Chapter 29 - Lost

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a/n: I don't want to be like Arzaylea but I thought I should tell you guys because you're all so supportive and deserve to know. I'm currently being bullied by a bitchy couple and their friends who keep calling me names and laughing at me and I'm sick of it. I didn't write this for support or anything I just wanted you all to know because I might not update as much because I feel really down and just ew. MY FAM GOT ME SOUR CHERRIES THOUGH AND THEY ARE MY FAVOURITE SO ITS COOL! ALSO THE VIDEO WAS LIVE FROM THE SHOW I WENT TO AND OMG OFENMKGVNBWRPOFJO

Caspar ran through the door with a scared look on his face. "Joe - He said - you had a panic attack? He said he - kissed you ?" Caspar mumbled out of breath. I shrugged and nodded my head slowly. Caspar hugged me tightly. "Joe didn't mean to run away you know, but Brit.." I rolled my eyes at him, getting more annoyed by the minute. 

"It doesn't matter anyway, Brit is clearly more important" I spat angrily at Caspar as his face changed to confused.

"What?" He asked with a very confused expression but I rolled my eyes again. "I was going to say that Joe didn't kiss you properly because he doesn't want to cheat on her." I scoffed and walked away from Caspar. I grabbed my bag with my phone and purse before running out of the house. Tears stung my eyes as I quickly rubbed them away. 


So it's the middle of the night and I'm lost in London, yay. Note the sarcasm dripping from my voice. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms as I watched my breath make circles in front of me. I sat down on a bench close to me in defeat. There was zero chance I was going to find my way home. You don't have a home. No one loves you. The demons appeared again so I pinched the bridge of my nose and rubbed my temples. I checked my phone but it had already died and I groaned loudly not caring about the looks I got from drunken passers. I felt a warm presence sit next to me. I didn't bother to turn around and look at the figure until I felt their hand on top of mine. My head whipped around to look straight into the familiar blue and grey eyes I have grown to love. Joe gave me a small smile before hugging me tightly....

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