Chapter 38 - Leaving

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A/n: HOLY SHIT! Guys I legit went to my grandparents for dinner, came home and had 48 notifications! I only expected like 2! You guys are so amazing and y'all seem to like Troye more than Joe XD Just to be clear she WILL be going on tour with Troye ;)

I haven't spoken to Joe for about a week. Well, since the fight. It's the day I leave to go on tour with Troye. Joe hasn't come to Caspar's since the fight either so I kind of think Caspar is pissed at me too. At the airport I hugged Caspar tightly, close to tears. 

"Now, promise you won't cry about me leaving my smol pineapple?" I joked nudging Caspar's sides. He rolled his eyes before holding my hands.

"And you, my darling cousin, must not get upset about Joe..." I looked down, taking a new interest to my feet and the airport's floor. "Hey, he'll get over it." I don't want him to get over it, I thought. I fake smiled at Caspar before my flight was called. I let go of his hands before going to my gate number...


I was tired from the flight and lack of sleep previous nights but the only energy I had turned into excitement as I exit the plane. I grabbed my back and walked into a large lounge where I saw a sign with my name on. I grinned and walked over to the middle- aged looking man. 

"Hazel?" He asks in a deep voice. I nod, suppressing a smile. As we walk out of the airport I suddenly feel arms wrapped around my waist and I squeak. No, I'm not a mouse, deal with it! I quickly spun on my heals to look straight into my best friend's blue eyes. Well, I've never actually seen them in real life so I was half fangirling, half dying because I'm meeting my best friend...finally. 

"Troye!" I squealed as I jumped into his arm, not literally, I would crush him. 

"Hazel! Okay, I love you hun but you're heavy as shit!" He groaned. I blushed and "jumped" off him.

"Language Troye Sivan Mellet!" I widened his eyes at me.

"Someone is a big fan?" He raised and eyebrow at me so I shrugged. It's true and I ain't denying it!

I felt happy, a feeling I haven't feel in a week or more. Troye makes me happy no matter what. No matter whether he is calling me heavy or stupid it's funny and it makes me laugh. I love  Troye so so much but for some reason, Joe is still in my head...

A/n: So this is like a pile of shit but I have school tomorrow and you guys are bugging me to update again and it's almost 12 at night so YOU'RE WELCOME hoes. 

jk, jk. ilysm <3

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