Chapter 60- Hospital

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A/n: I'm on my phone so I'm sorry for mistakes and IM NOT A DOCTOR IDK HOW REALISTIC THIS IS I DONT WRITE FACT THIS IS FAN FICTION - FICTION. This is also dedicated to one of my beautiful readers who is currently in hospital and still finds the time to read this shitty fan fiction. I love you all <3
My head pounded as I heard a beep next to me.

"She hit her head quite hard on the wall as she fell backwards so she got knocked out. However she should be awake relatively soon. She hasn't been eating enough which is why, as you were saying previously, she has been so dizzy. If she was ill it might have been hard for her to eat but we're feeding her through a tube. Oh and she must have caught her hand on some sort of nail in the wall or something as she fell down because it was bleeding but that's all wrapped up." A professional sounding voice spoke to someone else.
"She'll be alright though, right?" A familiar voice asked worriedly. It was Joe.
"Of course. Actually she should be awake within the next few hours" A few seconds later I heard the door slam shut and the scrape of a chair across the floor. I knew it was Joe but something about not being able to open my eyes to check scared me.
"Hazel? Please wake up...I need you to tell me you're okay. I don't care what doctors say - all I need is for you to say you're okay. God I hope you remember me. He didn't mention any memory loss..did he? It was a lot of information" he chuckled lightly but quickly stopped as he remembered the situation. "Your parents said they're stuck in traffic but they're trying to get here as soon as possible..." It went silent again . I hate silence. It makes me tense and unsure about what's happening. I felt him take my hand and I tried so hard to wrap my fingers around his hand like he did to me but they were lifeless.
Wake up
I told myself.
For Joe just wake up.
With all my remaining strength I tried to speak and move. I tried to do anything but it didn't happen. I felt like crying. The man I loved was sat next to me worrying about if I'm okay and I can't even wake myself up to calm him down. I tried again and again until I felt weaker than before. I tried for the last time...
"Hazel?!" Joe asked. My finger had moved in his hand. "Hazel! Please tell me you're okay!" He hugged me before I had even opened my eyes. When I did he was a couple of centimetres away from me. I took in a deep breath like I had just been underwater.
"T-thank you" my voice was croaky but I felt okay. I was happy I was with Joe, that's all that mattered.
"You don't have to thank me but please tell me you're okay."
"What does it look like, Joe? I'm fine, just as long as you're here." He kissed me and called for the doctor.
Soon enough I was able to leave the hell hole of a hospital and get home.Joe called my parents and told them to meet us back at the house since I woke up and he was taking me home. Everyone made a big fuss of me for nothing . I really felt fine so I'm not sure why they were acting like I was in constant pain. They kept trying to feed me so I ate a bit but not all of it, I felt sick by the end. I guess it was kind of nice to have people treat you with respect and not like you're trash. I fell asleep quickly because of something in the painkillers the hospital prescribed me. Joe refused to move from my side all night even though I swore I was fine. I guess Joe has a few sides. One side is funny, one side is romantic, one side is sad and one side is loyal. And a bunch of other things but that's a list too long for now. That night I didn't feel so alone because I knew I had the love of my life right next to me...

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