Chapter 33 - Fuck it

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A/n: IM IN DT AHAHAHHA also I cried in school cool story Holly wow the demons are in my head too!

Today is the day Brit comes. Joe eventually went home last night. He ended up talking on the phone for the rest of our "alone time" until Caspar came back, oh and it was Brit on the phone- of course. My earphones were blasting Mr. Brightside into my ears and I was, you know, casually dancing around. I started to pretend I had a guitar and strummed it. 

"JEALOUSLY!!" I sang loudly. I left my room and stopped singing and started to hum instead. I walked into the living room and saw Joe and Brit kissing, again. fucking hell. Instead of stuttering or pretending not to be there I simply walked to the front door with tears in my eyes and angrily shut the door. Why am I angry? I mean, I shouldn't be. Should I? Fuck it. I thought and started to run away from Caspar's house again. Why is Joe there anyway? He has his own house, Jesus Christ. My mind was filled with questions but I remembered someone who can always calm me down, Luke. I started to text Luke when my phone started to ring. It was Joe, of course. I groaned and leaned against the wall next to me just outside of the apartment. 

"Are you okay Haz?" Joe asked. I cringed at his nickname for me, I mean, it would have been cute if he hadn't have pissed me off a few minutes ago. 

"1. I am 20 years old I can handle myself. 2. My name is Hazel  not Haz." I heard Joe shuffle around a bit before I heard a familiar American accent. 

"Who's on the phone, babe." I knew she knew it was me because she said Babe in a very "sarcastic" way.

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