Chapter 73- Dreams and Nightmares

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A/n: I have writers block so here you go :-P

Joe's POV


My hand skimmed over Hazel's as I reached over her. I felt my heart skip a beat in my chest every time I felt her hand on mine or her breath on my neck. I turned my head to look directly into her beautiful hazel eyes. As I leaned forward to place my aching lips onto hers I heard the soft cries of a baby. My eyes shot open and I jumped up. 

"I've got it babe." Hazel kissed my cheek and walked ahead of me and into another room. I silently slipped into the baby blue room. The walls had rainbows and smiley faces painted on with string fairy lights strung across the room. The carpet was a dirty white that had multiple washed out stains. The ceiling had more child friendly paintings scattered around . As for the furniture well, there was a cream crib in the center of the room. A set of drawers sat neatly in the corner and an arm chair sat on the opposite side of the room. There was a red box filled to the brim with safe toys like plastic cars and building blocks, typical kid toys. I made my way over to the crib where Hazel was leaned over. Below me was a beautiful baby boy. He had grey eyes that had a beautiful shine to them. His cries had quietened but instead he was sucking on his thumb with his feet flailing around. 

"Good boy.." Hazel praised the baby by picking him up in her arms. She cradled him tightly to her chest like she was protecting him for the awful world we live in. She rocked his small body back and forth with a steady rhythm. 

"Can I hold him?" I chocked out after a long silence. Hazel looked up at me and smiled. 

"Of course, he's our baby." As the words left her mouth I felt my body jolt up.

"It was all a dream.." I mumbled under my breath. I heard Hazel's silent sobs next to me and I tried to wake her up from her nightmare..

Hazel's POV


I cradled a baby tight to my chest. It's face was blurred like a photo. My eyebrow raised in confusion. I looked in front of me and saw another blurry figure. They had Joe's posture but their face was blurred like the baby. I placed the baby back in the cot and walked over to the mysterious man. 

"Who are you?" I asked the figure. The man, however, said nothing. He didn't even move a muscle.  "Hello?" I reached out to touch the figure but as my finger brushed against his shoulder he disappeared. I backed away onto a wall. I lifted my hand and saw my fingers where trembling and pale white. I looked back to the spot where he had previously been. There was no sign of him.  I cautiously walked over to the crib and took the baby back in my arms. I heard an awful screech in my ears and I looked down at the baby. It had disappeared just like the man. 

"W-what..?" I felt myself fall to the hard ground. There was a giant thud. I couldn't feel any tears but when I looked over to the long wall mirror I saw them flooding my face. I heard sobs leave my mouth. My baby disappeared. I kept crying to loosen the horrible aching feeling in my heart. 

As I heard a baby's cry my eyes opened. 

"Are you okay, Haze?" My eyes adjusted to the blinding light peeking through the curtain in time to see Joe's concerned eyes above me. "It was a just a nightmare.."

"How did you know I was having a nightmare?" I croakily asked.

"You were crying, are you okay?" I nodded and explained my awful nightmare...

A/n: I feel really shit today like I'm so angry but anyway HOW WAS YOUR DAY?

QOTC: Do you want smut soon?

QOTCA: Idk up to you


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