Chapter 89 - Cringe

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*The whole chapter is in the form of Joe's video in third person through a screen*

Joe lifted his hand up and waved the camera while doing a loud intro. The cries of a baby could be heard following his flamboyant welcoming. "Don't worry I've got her!" Hazel's voice was slightly heard on camera. The baby cries slowly faded and Joe carried on explaining his video. "So today I'm reacting to my ford video with my beautiful wife- well before she was my wife. Or my anything. Well no she was my friend but- let's just watch" the first ever video he filmed with her began to play in the corner of the screen.

Joe made a strange noise like a sort of groan and sigh while he pinched the bridge of his nose, cringing at the awkwardness in it. The video was a "Roommates' cousin Q&A!" Which had so many awkward questions that made Joe wondered why he had even asked them in the first place. "'Would you ever date Hazel?' Why would I even ask that back then? I didn't have enough skills to pull someone like her!" He exclaims pausing the video and using lots of hand gestures. "I remember answering this and she gave me this strange look because she never knew what to say back then. We were so awkward around each other" as the video went on there were more cringed faces and annoyed comments about what was said and how they reacted to the ridiculous questions. "You know what? I blame you viewers for this! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have this awkward video with 2 million views on the Internet."  The video came to an end and his smile was so wide he couldn't help but explain everything...

"I'm sure many of you are wondering why I've decided to film this video today. I'm sure you're wondering why this makes me so happy. Well because if it wasn't for YouTube and Caspar I wouldn't have met Hazel. And if it wasn't for you viewers asking those stupid questions and making us have those awkward moments that actually brought us closer and made us fall for one another then we wouldn't be where we are now. With a beautiful little girl and a growing , happy family. We are so happy with our lives right now and we couldn't be prouder of how quickly our family vlog channel has grown. We're so thankful for all your support we receive day in and out. Don't tell Haze I said any of these or she'll think I'm soft. So until next week sugglets- I'll see you next Sunday for another SUGG-Sunday special. Bye" with one last flick of his wrist to say goodbye that was the video over. With a pleased look on his face he turned off his camera running the words back through his head. He knew he meant every word and that made him happy, complete almost. However, he didn't know Hazel was standing behind the door and had heard every line. Tears filled her eyes and she looked up to the light to clear them. She meant every word too....

A/n: ok so I was dead on here for a while but I've been so busy and stuff but I'm in a better frame of mind and I'm so excited for Christmas. So pretty much THIS IS THE SECOND LAST CHAPTER!!! I know I know it's so upsetting HOWEVER, there WILL BE EPILOGUES AND A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL AND OCCASIONAL UPDATES OF THEIR LIVES SO DON'T LEAVE THIS BOOK AFTER READING THE NEXT CHAPTER. I bet you anything I'll cry!

QOTC: What do you want for Christmas?
QOTCA: well I did want 5sos concert tickets but there aren't any so I'll wait till my birthday in case there is any (my birthday is: 12th march in case you wanted to know ;-) but I would like Supernatural convention tickets and a vinyl player with records like 5sos (duh), Panic! At the disco and stuff.

Lots and lots of love - Holly xoxo

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