Chapter 87- Time

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"Joe! Pick up Tiffany!" I practically shouted up the stairs at my husband. When Tiffany, our daughter, was born we waited for the wedding like we planned. We waited until December, closer to Christmas. It was magical...

*flashback to the wedding*

I picked up little Tiffany and began to slow dance around the beautifully lit hall. Fairy lights were strung around every pole and along the ceiling. A food table was placed at the end of the hall with rose petals scattered all over decorated in blue and sparkles. Most guests were dancing some were sitting, eating. Joe was with his family and friends while I stayed with Tiff and my family. My parents were taking plenty of photos, even though I told them multiple times we have a professional photographer. Joe, obviously, had my first dance then my dad then Caspar. I wanted Caspar to have a dance since he was like a brother to me and he's helped me through so much. 

I will say one thing, however, about babies at weddings. It's not a good idea. Tiff was really loud throughout the whole thing. Of course I don't blame her, she doesn't understand but it was pretty annoying. 

*end of flashback*

"Hello, baby" I kissed Tiff's chubby cheek, leaving Joe with a sad expression.

"Aw, I thought you were talking to me." 

"Sorry babe, I love you"  I kissed his cheek as well while trying not to suffocate our little girl. 

"Love you"

"Did you pick everything up? 'Cause we can't come back" I sighed tiredly, rubbing my eye with the back of my hand. 

"Yeah, here take Tiff" He passed her to me.

"Dada-" She began to cry  in my arms. "I - want- dada" 

"No, Tiffany. Daddy's just going to bring your stuff to the car, okay" I bounced her up and down. She knows how to speak quite a few words now, she pretty much mimics everything we say. 

She began to cry hysterically. I squeezed my eyes shut. She's been having rough nights these past few weeks since we've been trying to get her sleep more during the night and not through the day, she still gets afternoon naps though. I continued rocking her back and forth in my arms until "daddy" came back. We made our way to the car and I buckled Tiff into her car seat. She stopped crying but started giggling and clapping, a much more pleasant sound. 

"What are you laughing at?" I smiled at Tiff, putting on a silly voice. Joe turned around and made a silly face at her. Tiffany clapped her hands and reached out to Joe. 

"Dada! Again!" Joe turned to me then back to her and did the stupid face again. 

"Come on, we better get going.." I started the car and began to drive away from the house and to "Auntie Zoe and Uncle Alfie's".

Joe got out his vlogging camera that we use to vlog on the family channel. Joe still does his own channel but we also have a family channel that we vlog on everyday.  Joe opened his mouth to speak to the camera but Tiffany beat him to it. 

"mama where are we going?" 

"We're going to see auntie Zoe and uncle Alfie! Isn't that fun?" I looked in the car mirror to glance at her. She carried on giggle and clapping all the way there. 


We arrived to the house. Joe took the bags of kids stuff and our stuff while I took Tiff. I knocked on the door with my free hand. 

"Hello!" Zoe grinned as she opened the door with Alfie behind her. I heard Nala barking from inside and Tiff stopped smiling for a minute. 

"Tiff , it's just a dog" I chuckled kissing her cheek again. We made our way inside and put our stuff in the guest room.

Tiffany ended up playing with Nala all night which put me on edge...

"So how is she at the moment?" Alfie asked us across the dinner table. 

"She's a pain in the butt but it's worth it" Joe smiled at them while helping her eat her food. 

"Yeah her bedtimes are all over the place. We'll try to not wake you up tonight" 

"Oh, don't worry about it Hazel!" 

We spent all night feeling relaxed and happy. This is what I want...

A/n: i'm not crying you are......

IT'S NOT OVER! I REPEAT: NOT OVER!!!!!11!!!!"1!!!!!

QOTC: What are you doing on Halloween?

QOTCA: Hanging with my friend. I was meant to be hanging with another girl but she bailed oops. 


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