Chapter 83- Luke

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A/n: Omg guys I'm so excited to write the chapters with the kid/kids like it's gonna be so CUTEEEEEE!

*One month later*

"Hey Luke!" I chirped into my phone as I sat at the kitchen's island, watching Joe cook us dinner. 

"Hey Hazel!" The sound of Luke's deep, thick australian accent brought warmth to my heart.

"So why did you call me?" I asked my fellow friend while I swirled my glass in a circular motion and watched the orange juice swish from side to side. 

"Because you're pregnant and I wanted to see how you're doing " I smiled and bit my lip. 

"I'm good...I'm pretty excited for the baby..."

"You better be! I'm excited to see it!! Can I be the godfather?"

"I don't know Lukey"


"Maybe Luke...I'll talk to Joe"

"Okay- No go away" I could hear a faint voice. "No I'm talking to- No what the hell?!"

"Uhm are you okay?"


"Mikey you're shouting!" Luke said to Michael. 

"HEY MIKE!" I shouted back and Joe looked at me alarmed. I mouthed sorry and he went back to cooking. 

"SO You have a bun in the oven eh?"

"No I'm pregnant not baking"

"You know what I mean" I could picture Michael rolling his eyes at me which made me smile intensely. 

"Whatever dude. So what's up with you?"

"Not much"

"OOh Do you guys have girlfriends yet?" I asked leaning over the island to steal a grape from the filled bowl on the other side of the shiny bench. I popped it in my mouth and leaned back, waiting for an answer. 


"LUKE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" Michael chanted before I heard him say "Hehehhehe" which faded away like he ran out the room. 

"Did Mikey just run out the room?"I started to laugh and shake my head. 

"Yeah and yeah it's true I have a girlfriend..." I squealed. Me and Luke obviously started off as sort-of lovers. I know you're supposed to get jealous but I Was happy for him.

"So! Is she nice? Do you love her? How long have you been dating?"

"Woah woah woah, one damn question at a time...Yes she's the sweetest, nicest girls I know-"

"ehem...what about me? Rude much..."

"Sorry I mean One Of the nicest girls I know and I don't know about love yet Haze but I really like her-like a lot. We've been dating for a few months now but we knew each other through mutual friends before that. She's called Tasha"

"Awe she seems nice. I'm gonna have to meet her one day!!"

"Yeah maybe one day..."

A/n: Guys I watched Fifty Shades of Grey and it was actually good!! Like it's sad at the end...please don't judge me XD I also made my best friend watch it and she loved it omg BAHAH. 


QOTCA: YEASSSS It's online and Ksi and Casp are so fucking young like I think they filmed it in 2014 and Caspar was so innocent and sweet!


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