Chapter 40 - Media

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I felt very depressed. I told Troye I was "ill" so I didn't have to go out for the fancy dinner. I did feel really bad though because obviously, he is my best friend. I didn't feel like going out and fake smiling for hours though. But then again, it is Troye's first show...

I wish I had never met Joe. I wish my stupid little brain let me ignore him. I wish I hadn't gotten a tingly feeling when he brushed up against me. I wish he wasn't internet famous. I wish he didn't have those bitchy two ex-girlfriends. I wish I hadn't gone on social media that day. But what I wish most, is that Joe hadn't gotten back together with Brit. 

Joe had never told his fans that him and Brit broke up so they were still tweeting him about them two. I had ignored every media until that day. Well I had ignored Joe's account. My heart fell to the floor and shattered into a thousand pieces. It was a photo of Brit kissing Joe's cheek. I scanned below the photo for a date. It was the date of today. 

"I miss her so much :( Love you baby girl!" The caption read. I chucked my phone at my wall in anger. Yes, I broke my phone. Yes, I overreacted, deal with it. I began to shake as uncontrollable tears fell down my face. Why can't I stop crying. Why can't I stop thinking of him? My emotions are all over the place and I can't handle it right now. Sobs left my mouth as I covered it, trying to stop. I heard my door burst open and I looked up at to meet Troye's eyes. 

"Oh babe..." He whispered as he sat next to me on the bed wrapping one arm around me, comforting me. He eyed my phone on the floor and shook his head slowly.  "Is this about Joe's tweet?" He asked me. How can a guy I have only talked to online and met once know so much? 

"Y-Yeah how did you know?" I asked drying beneath my eyes. 

"I saw it just before you did. I was coming up here to make sure you were oka- I mean well..." He scratched the back of his neck before messing his hair. I let out a deep sigh as I stumbled off the bed and over to the floor where my smashed phone was. Thank god I don't have much strength otherwise it would be worse than it was. The bottom right of the screen had spider webs of cracks travelling up the right corner but nothing has actually come off. I checked the wall for damage but there wasn't anything there. I quickly switched the phone on to check it worked and it did so me and Troye let out happy sighs. 


"You need to get over him" Troye said to me as I pulled my hair into a high pony tail.

"I know but I can't...I just...can't" I whispered grabbing my small bag with my smashed phone and purse in it.

"I know honey but it's making you depressed..." He said taking my hand into his. I couldn't reply to this with anything so I just nodded....

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