Chapter 67- Zalfie Dinner Date

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Me and Joe woke up after our little cuddle nap and started to get ready for our "dinner date" with Zoe and Alfie. 

"Come on, Haze..." Joe tried to pull me off the comfy settee. I simply groaned in return and he bent down to my level. "Hazel, I'll fuck you really hard if you don't-"

"Where the fuck did that come from?" I burst into laughter and Joe took this opportunity to lift me up and over his shoulder. "JOE! PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed while laughing. I gripped tightly onto Joe the best I could without hurting him.

"You're so damn naughty" He stopped and put me down. 

"Later tonight babe..." I winked and walked away from him and into our room to get ready for our dinner date. 

Zoe and Alfie have been in meetings at Gleam and looking around London all day since they arrived. We got ready as quick as we could since we slept for a little bit too long. I hurried Joe out of the door and got into our Uber. 

"Joe?" I whispered while we sat in the car in silence.


"What if Zoe doesn't like me?"

"Oh please, Zoe loves most the people on this earth! She loves people she's never met!" He took my hand into his and looked at me with a loving look. "Seriously though, please don't worry. I'm sure you and Zoe are going to be friends by the end of the night." I nodded nervously at him and he kissed my hand like always. 

When we got to Prezzo I interlocked my pinky with Joe's and slowly walked into the restaurant, thank god I hadn't dressed up fancy! 

"Oh, they're over there!" Joe pointed and led me over to the table where Zoe and Alfie sat chatting away at each other. We sat down awkwardly me next to Joe and Zoe and Alfie on the other side. Me and Joe still had each other's pinkys while we made introductions.

"Oh hey there! You must be the Hazel my dear brother constantly texts me about" Zoe giggled and I smiled widely at her. However, Joe did not find the comment as amusing and gave Zoe a warning glare. 

"Ah so you've been texting Zoe all this time! I thought you were cheating on me." I joked and Joe looked at me confused.

"Did you actually?" I shook my head while laughing and kissed his cheek. Joe also didn't seem to enjoy my little joke because while I was in the middle of talking to Zoe and Alfie Joe decided to whisper in my ear, "You've been a naughty girl, I guess we'll have to fix that tonight..."  My eyes widened and my cheeks turned pink.

"Are you okay Hazel?" Alfie asked me. 

"Yep, just um...Nothing I-I'm fine..." I lied, lightly kicking Joe's ankle. 

"Oww" He complained.

"What's wrong Joe? What's going on over there?" Zoe asked looking from me to Joe to Alfie. Alfie shrugged his shoulders and decided to get out his vlogging camera. 

"Hazel kicked me because I whispered in her ear-" I kicked him again before he could say anything private on camera. "Owww, she kicked me again."

"Honestly you two are idiots!" Alfie chuckled filming our little dispute. "So we're at Prezzo with Hazel and Joe for dinner."

"'Sup?" I quickly said before going back to eating my food. 

"So this is what I got..." Alfie carried on vlogging before everyone at the table decided to vlog. To be honest I felt quite uncomfortable and a little awkward being the only one without a famous YouTube channel. 

"I'm just gonna go to the toilet.." I lied. I just needed some fresh air. I'm not a people person and there was a lot of people in that restaurant.  Joe got up to let me out. He gave me that look that asked me 'Are you okay?' and to that I subtly nodded before going to the bathroom. 

The girls bathroom was completely deserted and I wasn't sure why, especially because of how many people where in the room. I looked at myself in the mirror and just waited. I waited for my breath to come back and for my nerves to settle. I whipped my phone out and quickly texted Joe. 

To-Joe <3: Hey I'm in the bathroom, I just need to calm down a bit. All the people are making me a bit panicky. I'll be back soon. I love you XxX

I almost instantly got a speedy reply. 

From-Joe <3: Do you need me? Are you okay? I love you XxX

To-Joe <3: Babe, I'll be fine. I'm coming back now. Love you XxX

I got my bag and took one last glance at my tired appearance before making my way back to the table. 

"Are you okay?" Joe asked as he let me back into my seat. 

"Yeah just anxiety.." I fake smiled and looked to my lap. 

"Oh are you sure you're okay? I get anxiety as well." Zoe placed her hand on top of mine and I smiled at her. 

"Yeah it's just a son of a bitch some times" I chuckled.

"Yeah it's horrible isn't it.." She moved her hand and Alfie kissed her. I've never seen that before. 

"Do you guys kiss on camera?" Alf asked us.

"Yeah. We don't see why we shouldn't" Joe wrapped his arm around me and I looked up to him with a pout. 

"Kiss me" I whispered and he smirked at me before bending down and kissing me gracefully. 

"You guys are cute, you know that?" Zoe asked.

"Thanks..." I whispered. 

What  a night...

A/n: I really want a trailer for this fan fic, can anyone make one? I'd love you for life :-)

QOTC: What did you have for dinner? 

QOTCA: I haven't had it yet :'-( It's mince though, ew



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