Chapter 85- Expose

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"What the bloody hell is that?!" I heard Oli's voice boom through the apartment. A smile crept onto my face as I continued to scroll through endless posts on Instagram.

"It's me and Hazel on our first date.." Joe's gentle voice also filled the apartment making my stomach turn. Oli came over to film an 'exposing my phone' video.

"Why are you licking her hair?" Oli burst into laughter making me laugh slightly at the memory. He took a selfie of us but he licked my hair while I took it. We couldn't stop laughing after and it was our lock screens for a while.

"Oh," Joe's began to laugh. I could picture him laughing so hard his hair falls in front of his eyes and he falls back on the bed. ", We were going to do stupid faces but Haze didn't realise so I had done one but she looked normal so we kept it as our lock screens when we began to date as boyfriend and girlfriend"

I came out of the Instagram app and went into my snapchat. I watched everyone's long- tedious stories until got to Joe's. I bit my lip while watching him. Of course the whole thing was him telling everyone about filming a video with Oli then just him doing stupid filters and adding voices to them. I laughed and rolled my eyes at his stupidness.

"What you laughing at, Mrs?" Joe's voice made me jump. I turned my head to see him leaning against the door frame smirking with a pair of sunglasses on.

"I'm not your Mrs yet and why have you got sunglasses on?" I sat up properly while Joe walked over to me, getting down on his knees to get eye level with me.

"I just wore them in the video. But you will be my Mrs soon" He took my hands and stared into my eyes. "I love you.." 

"I love you too..." There was silence. Calm, loving silence. Well until Oli came bursting into the room with his booming voice.

"Where does this go Joe? Oh shit sorry...were you having a moment? Should I just...walk away?"

"No, it's okay Oli. The moment's over." I sighed letting go of Joe's hands. He glanced up at Oli and stood back up. 

"Sorry guys I have to go- my uber just got here" Oli slipped on his coat and waved at us before exiting. 

"Joe- baby. Do you mind if we cancel our date tonight? I don't feel to great.." Joe sat next to me and gently pulled me closer so  my head was on his shoulder. 

"Are you okay? Do you feel sick?!"

"No calm down babe. I just feel sad...I don't know why before you ask. I" Joe reached over me for the blanket to wrap around us. His scent drifted around me making me smile. He wore my favourite fragrance . 

The fluffy blanket lay on top of our smushed bodies. 

"Do you wanna cry?" Joe whispered.

"I don't think so...well maybe...I don't know " I hid my face into Joe's chest. I currently didn't feel like I knew anything. "I think I just need to calm down. Can you sing to me?" I looked hopefully up at Joe. He smiled warmly at me, knowing one of my favourite things in the world is when he sings to me, and nodded. He began to sing to me causing my eyes to flutter shut. His beautiful voice filled my sad head causing me to feel happier and drift off into sleep...

A/n: So guess who's crush got a girlfriend? me. I feel like I'm gonna puke and I've had a headache all day HELP.

*WARNING: Soppy paragraph about y'all*

So I just cried over this. I can't believe we have a ranking. And yes I know we're really far down but seriously I'm amazed. I wanted to give you guys a quick little shout out because I'd never be able to have so many amazing readers and views and well the amount of attention I have right now without YOUR help. Weather you helped by voting, commenting, adding it to your library, reading the book. No matter weather you did one of those or all - you have helped me so much. You aren't just people behind a screen to me, some of you have been with me since the beginning and no words can describe how happy I am. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing day/night X 

QOTC: Do you have a crush (don't just say a celebrity guys come on I know you)

QOTCA: Well yeah obvs but rip me


Snapchat: XfanfictsX

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