Chapter 62- overreacting

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A/n : I'm in a car so sorry about mistakes and shit but I'm going t hell. It's time for....smut. I'm sorry but I know you were waiting for it don't lie to little sister is sitting one seat away from me oh my god I'm going to hell...

Hazel POV

I made my way to the darkly lit bench that overlooked the car filled road. I had contemplated driving somewhere but I didn't trust myself in this state. I hurled myself onto the bench and started to control my breathing. In - and out... In and out... I had tears falling from my eyes at an unstoppable speed. I knew that I overreacted, I knew I had no reason to be annoyed at Joe. After all, he doesn't even know. Fuck - I should have just told him. I angrily rubbed at my face, clearing the fresh tears and replacing them with vicious red marks. The red marks quickly faded and my crying stopped. My breathing went back to normal and I had calmed down from my fit. I was just angry at myself. It's my fault all of that happened.
I grabbed my phone from my pocket and opened 'Messenger'.
Joe <3: I'm so sorry I ran away. I know I overreacted and i let it get out of hand. I was only upset because my dad drinks a lot and when he does he constantly says "it's just one" but it's not "just one" so him and my mum get in big arguments and I just have really bad memories. They've done it since I was a kid. It's not you I promise. I'm coming home just please don't be pissed at me, please. I love you so much XxxxX

I sent the message and placed my phone back in my Jean pocket with force. I shoved my hands into my hoodie's fluffy pockets and made my way down the street.

I didn't bother looking back at my phone for the duration of my walk back. I kept my head low and ears open. The night scares me. Something about the combination of darkness and strange noises don't bode well with me.

I sighed loudly as I unlocked the front door to my parents' house. As I walked into the watermelon smelling living room I was tackled into a hug. "You're okay" Joe happily whispered into my ear. I nodded into his shoulder where I rested my head while we hugged. "I love you and I'm sorry."
"Did you not see my message? I'm meant to be saying sorry" I asked.
"Yeah but you shouldn't be saying sorry. I'm sorry for not being considerate of your feelings. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you through that.." He held onto me tighter and kissed down my neck.
For some reason this turned me on and I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning. I know he didn't mean to turn me on because it was a simple act of love.
"I-It's not your fault. Yo-you didn't know me then..." I stuttered. Unfortunately, because I spoke I couldn't bite my lip to stop myself from moaning. So at the end of my sentence I moaned. It wasn't a quiet moan it was a loud moan. "Fuck I'm sorry" I quickly apologised. Joe stopped kissing me neck and moved to stand inches away from my face. A cheeky grin was plastered on his face and my cheeks were lit up red like a Christmas tree. He started to kiss my burning cheeks and moved on to kissing my ears then all down my jaw line then down my neck, completely ignoring my lips. The whole time he gave me the small kisses I whimpered and moaned his name. I'm very easily turned on apparently. He soon got to my lips and he gave me small kisses all along the line where your two lips part when you speak, from left to right. "I'm...sorry" he said in between kisses. I tried to shake my head but he started to travel down my body and he rubbed his hands up and down my arms. He pressed his body against mine, making his private part grind against mine. He started to moan my name as well. I bit my lip because that turned me on even more which I didn't think was even possible. He suddenly stopped and he gently pulled me over to the sofa. He lay me down and pulled off my top and bra. He kissed in between my breasts and whispered sweet nothings. He made his way down to my jeans and pulled them down my legs making sure to tease me as much as possible. He started to play with bottom part of my nickers, the closest part to my vagina. "J-Joe please..please" I begged weakly. He ignored my request and continued to have a fake interest in my lacy underwear. I was taken by surprise when I felt a finger slip into me. I felt like screaming out in pain. It hurt so much I wanted to cry my eyes out. Joe could tell I was in pain from the way my face screwed up at every move. "I'll go slower baby" he calmed me down and kissed my lips softly. He did as promised and the slow pumping ignited pleasure instead of pain and it took over. He started going faster and faster until I felt the hard knot inside of me get looser and looser until I screamed Joe's name. He took his finger out and licked off the remaining sticky substance. However, he continued to pleasure me in any way possible. He slid down my underwear and bent his head down. He licked the last of the substance which almost made me cum a second time. I held it in and let him finish the job....

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