Chapter 51- Hey mum, hey dad...

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A/n: 1. Bless all your souls for all the kind words! 2. I'm in my humanities (history, geography) and I'm meant to be doing this whole other work thing and If I don't finish it I'll blame all of you! Once again, sorry if this bad. HERE YOU GO!

My hands were shaking and the palms of my hands were thick with sweat. I have to tell my parents, I have to. Joe was rubbing my thigh, supporting me as much as he could. 

"Babe, don't worry. It's not like I got you pregnant or anything!" He joked. The joke just made me more nervous than I already was. My finger hovered over my mum's contact. I had already text her telling her to make sure dad was there when I call her. I didn't have the guts to tell them in person so I wimped out and decided to do it over the phone. Of course I would still have to go back to get some of my important stuff and ship the rest. Joe turned my head to look at him. He tilted my chin up towards him, he leaned in and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and let go of him. 

"Let's do this.." I sighed. We waited for someone to answer the call.  The long bleeps echoed around my head as we waited - each one more intimidating than the last.

"Hello? Honey?" My mum's winey voice came through the end, making my heart pick up it's pace. My heart felt like it was running away from her voice, from the phone, from this apartment - from everything...

"Hey mum, hey dad" I said, trying to keep my voice just as bubbly as always. 

"Hey, love" My dad chirped down the line. Joe took my free hand into his hand. 

"Hey Hazel's parents!" Joe replied. I groaned at Joe's approach to my parents. 

"Hello? Is this Joe?" I have told my mum about Joe, not that we're dating but I said how we're really good friends. 

"Yes ma'am"

"Who is Joe?" My dad asked my mum. 

"Joe is Hazel's close friend, she text me telling me that!" My mum is always proud when she can work her phone. She isn't dumb or anything and she can work it but she still feels like it's an accomplishment. 

"That's the thing," I interrupted. "Me and Joe are actually.."

"The thing is, Me and your wonderful daughter, Hazel, are dating. She's my girlfriend- I'm her boyfriend." Joe finished my sentence. There was silence for what felt like minutes but was probably only a few seconds. 

"You have a boyfriend and you haven't let us meet him yet?" My mum asked.

"No, but that's not it. Me and Joe are moving in together. He asked me to move in with him yesterday" I heard my parents gasp.

"My princess is growing up!" My dad exclaimed. I felt weight being lifted off my shoulders. They're happy for me! A smile grew on me and Joe's face. 

"So you're okay with it?"

"Of course we are! Just remember to come and visit us!"

"Of course! In fact, I need to go home to get some of my important things and I need to pack the others to be shipped to London but if Joe says yes we can both come to South Africa. I might be able to even get Caspar!" Excitement bubbled through my body. 

"I'm in for coming to South Africa with you" Joe said and wrapped an arm around my waist. 

"So it's happening. I'll text you more details later and I'll get in touch with Caspar"

"Okay, baby, have fun! See you soon" My parents shouted through the phone before ending it. I let out a little squeal and jumped up and down on the bed. 

"OI! I JUST CHANGED THAT BED GET YOUR STINKY FEET OFF!"Joe tackled me to the bed and tickled my sides again. 

"No! No tickling, not again." I screamed. I scurried under his bed cover and wrapped my self up. 

"You look like a burrito!" Joe started to laugh loudly. He rolled on the bed as I lay perfectly still in my "burrito". 

Joe furiously tried to take the blankets away from me. He succeeded and leaned close to my face, as if he was going to kiss me. 

"I-love-you" He said inbetween kisses on my face. He kissed one on each cheek and then one on my lips. 

"Love you too." I was out of breath for no reason. Maybe I was out of breath because Joe always makes my heart skip a beat. Maybe I was out of breath because he was so close to me. 

But in my opinion, I was out of breath because I was with my one true love...

A/n: This has taken me all lesson and I didn't finish my work so If I get told off I'll hunt you all down and fight you.

QOTC: (because I forgot to do like 10 of these) WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE WATTPAD AUTHOR/FANFICTION??

QOTCA: One of my favorite Joe Sugg ones is - Tally Marks but idk the author or if that's the name. I read it a long time ago but I only read Calum Hood ones now oops *fml the teacher just walked over* .



- Your bae (Holly) XXX

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