Chapter 43- Thoughts While Travelling Home

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A/n: I'm really lazy and shit so I didn't want to write filler chapters on tour, SORRY.

Me and Joe haven't spoken for about two months.  He did reply to me on Twitter with a "Thanks" but that's it. I've been trying not to cry as much so I haven't been cooped up in my hotel rooms all day but with Troye. It's actually been really fun on tour with Troye and I have met some of his fans, they are the cutest thing on earth I swear!

I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm getting bored of music. I've been listening to so much of it to distract me I only want to listen to about two songs. On the way home I decided to sleep. When I say home I mean Caspar's apartment. He wanted me to go to his for a bit. I feel really guilty because I haven't seen my parents in forever but I guess I'm growing up, right? 

I feel a bit uneasy about going back to London. I mean, Caspar's apartment is walking distance from Joe's. What if he doesn't know I'm visiting Caspar and comes over? Will it be awkward? Will he hate me? What If Brit is there?

I ignored my thoughts as I stepped off the plane into the cold London air, welcome back. 

A/n: Do you guys think anyone would freak out if I replied to them? 

Do you guys think anyone would freak out if I didn't write a new chapter in ages?

I don't know how I feel about this book. Things are really dragged on and Idkkk

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