Chapter 68- Secrets

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A/n: my head really hurts :-(

Joe's POV

"Hazel, I'm going out for a bit, okay?" I quickly told Hazel as I was about to go out the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Just know with the guys.." I said nervously.

"What...guys? Why are you acting so nervous?" Hazel asked me, scrunching her eyebrows together.

"I'm not, I'm tired. I'm going to meet up with Jack, Conor, Caspar-"

"You're meeting up with Caspar?! Tell him I want to talk to him at some point...I miss him" Hazel said sadly. 

"I-I will...uh.. I have to go...Bye"

"I love you"

"I love you too, Haze" And with that I left our apartment, feeling only guilt. 

I didn't want to lie to Hazel. Well I wasn't lying to Hazel, I was just bending the truth. I was going out with "the guys" but we were planning something. One of the biggest things of my life. I was gonna propose to Hazel. I really love her and I've known her for quite a while now...

I spoke to Caspar about it and he thinks it's a good idea. I also got in contact with her parents, thanks to Caspar, and both of them gave us their blessing. So then what I had to do was plan what was going to happen. I wanted something really special to happen, just for Hazel.

I thought a lot while I walked to Caspar's apartment where we were all meeting. Me, Caspar, Marcus, Jack, Conor, Alfie and Jim. Caspar let me, all the guys where already there. Caspar patted my back as he went to sit down with the others. I stood up in front of everyone. 

"Okay first of all I want to thank all of you for agreeing to help me propose to Hazel. This really means a lot to me and you guys mean a lot to me. I want this to be special to Hazel." I heard everyone say things like "yeah, we'll make it perfect" and stuff like that.

"So I want to sing to her. Well I want all of us to sing to her. I have a plan..." 

Hazel's POV (I'm such a bitch LMAO AHAHAHHA)

"And then he just left.." I told Luke on face time while playing with a loose string on my cardigan. I missed my friends, a lot. I was laid on my belly with my legs behind me and Luke was in bed. 

"Maybe he's just planning something to surprise you or something.." Luke mumbled with a croaky voice, I guess that's what happens when you sing in a band and go on tour. 

"Are you tired? Oh shit I'm sorry"

"It's fine, the guys aren't back yet anyways which means if I fall asleep they'll come in, snapchat me and wake me up." I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

"If you're tired just go to sleep!"

"urgh...fine...Listen I'll face time soon, kay?"

"Okay, love ya!"

"Love ya!" I blew him a kiss and ended the call. I plugged my phone on charge and lay down on the bed. My head was pounding for no reason. I groaned and placed one hand on my forehead in pain. I get headaches a lot.  Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep...

In the dream...

My heart was pounding. Beads of sweat accumulated on the palms of my hands. Joe was kneeling down in front of me with a ring in his hand...

"Marry me.." The world was spinning yet I felt completely still. It was just me, Joe and a ring.

Even though I saw no one around us i could feel the stares of a thousand people. Each pair of eyes were judging me and my decision. 

I either marry Joe

Or I don't.

Simple? Right? 

Joe had such a look of hope in his eyes, the same eyes I fell in love with the day I met him..

My mouth opened. This is it. It's now or never.


End of dream

My eyes shot open. That did not just happen. My headache was gone and instead replaced by confusion. Why did I dream that, of all things, Joe proposing to me...

Was I going to say yes? 

It was too much for my brain to handle and I ended up getting up to get a glass of cold water...

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