Chapter 75- Tease

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A/n: You know the drill *SMUT DISCLAIMER* blah blah, if you're uncomfortable with sex stuff then just don't read this chapter, blah blah. (once again, I'm going to hell with Dean...BAHAHH...only Supernatural fans get it...anyway) I hope you don't get too turned on, if you do well you know what you have to do...BAHA IM LITERALLY GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL XD

"Joe.." I whispered close to my fiance's ear. 


"I'm bored.." I complained like a child. I moved Joe's Mac book from his warm lap to the coffee table in front of us. Joe had a questioning look but I hovered my finger inches away from his soft lips and straddled Joe. I moved my hips side to side, pretending I was trying to get comfortable in my position. Joe bit his lip and gripped onto my sides. I felt my burning core rubbing against his tight bulge. (It was almost as tense as when Dean looks into Castiel's eyes...sorry). I smirked evilly at the squirming boy beneath me. "Is there a problem?" I asked as innocently as I could, batting my eyelids and tilting my head. Joe squeezed his eyes shut and re opened them. His eyes grew darker, full of lust and love. He flipped me over on the couch so he was on top of me. He lifted his weight off me but was still hovering above me. My breathing increased rapidly, it's a totally different situation when the other person is in control compared to you.

"That was very naughty.." Joe whispered into my ear before nibbling and sucking on it. I bit my lip to try and control my horny self. "What am I gonna have to do to you?" Joe mumbled against my harsh skin. He made his way down my body feeling every inch with his hands and mouth. 

"You're such a tease..." I chocked out of my mouth before whimpering at the end. Joe's hands were cupping my breasts, squeezing them and massaging them. "Joe.." I breathed out as his mouth got to my face. His lips pressed roughly against mine before hovering over my face. His mouth was inches away from me but he did nothing. He then moved down to my stomach. He made me lay flat on the length of the settee. He was still above me as he lifted up my top. He pulled it over my head and threw it on the floor fiercely. His hands skimmed over every inch of my chest and stomach. He began to leave wet kisses from the center of my chest down to the waist of my leggings. He traveled further up my body again so I threw my head back. He began to lick and suck on one area of my neck before grazing it slightly with his teeth. He blew on it and moved back to look at his masterpiece. 

"Beautiful.." He spoke under his breath before pulling down my leggings until they were off the other side of the couch. His hand moved over my lacy underwear so he could feel my heat. "Damn baby, you really want this don't you.." I nodded. 

"Joe...I wanna try.." Joe immediately knew what I was referring to. 

"You sure?" I nodded and Joe began to pull down my pants. He was about to lower his head when I stopped him. 

"That's not fair. You're still fully dressed...strip for me baby" I smirked at Joe. He threw his top off and unbuckled his jeans as fast as The Flash. I grinned and sat up. "Damn that was fast." Joe nodded and lifted me up so my legs were wrapped around his naked waist. He still had his underpants on but everything else was gone. He took me to the bedroom and gently lay me on the bed. He then took of his last item of clothing and hovered over me. 

"You ready?" He asked me. I nodded and he lowered into me. Me and Joe have done this before so it's not my first time, but it still hurts like hell. I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming in pain. Joe was holding one of my hands to the side which pinned one side of me down while his other hand balanced himself on the bed. Each thrust slowly became less pain and more pleasure. I moved my spare hand down to my entrance where I played with myself. Joe was letting out strings of moans and curse words while I was practically scream Joe's name and moaning loudly. Joe's thrusts began to become sloppier and sloppier so I decided to treat him. 

"Joe, turn over" I said in between moans and groans. He stayed inside of me but flipped me over so I was on top. I let Joe take a breather while I rode him. Soon enough we both reached our highs and the job was over.  We lay in bed in the dark staring at the ceiling for a while. 

"I love you.." Joe took my hand.

"I love you too.."

A/n: So...Omg I'm cringing at this so much. Hope you enjoyed it...Uhm yeah anyway..

QOTC: Favourite song/ songs?

QOTCA: I have tons but I love The girl who cried wolf (5 seconds of summer), San Francisco (5 seconds of summer), Drown (Bring me the Horizon), The fault in our stars ( Troye Sivan), American Idiot (Green Day), I miss you (Blink-182) , Oh you pretty things (David Bowie) and countless more..

REMEMBER I LOVE YOU , I hope you have a good day or will have a good day idk X 

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