Chapter 9- Not possible.

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I heard my alarm ring in my ears. 

I groan and slide the screen to turn off the alarm. The last thing I remember yesterday was Joe hugging me. Hmm...

Didn't he ask me out? But it felt weird and different to real life... It felt like then night after a big party and you drank too much the night of the party. I started thinking, maybe he didn't. I heard Joe's voice booming through the house.

"GUYS! SHANNON IS HERE!" Joe called from the top of the stairs, I suddenly felt something inside me drop, like one of those dreams when you trip over and feel yourself falling. I sat up and held onto my bed for support. Everything seemed dizzy and I didn't feel right. It was a dream. It's not possible, is it? I realised, slowly standing up, that it was just a dream. I felt like I could stand up mentally but physically my legs just dropped and I fell to the floor. Any normal person would stand up again and brush it off but me being not normal, just sat there thinking about this all. I soon got up and looked at my surroundings. Joe's room just like it had been for the past week. My things were neatly packed away and I had my clothes for today laid out on his desk chair. I carefully walked over to them to look at what I chose to wear. I  had a grey '5 Seconds Of Summer' top on with black skinny jeans and a beanie that said 'sorry about my hair guys'. Classic me. I got changed and lay on my- Joe's bed. I opened my music playlist on my phone and plugged my earphone in. I let my 'Faves!' playlist play on shuffle. It consisted of- Troye Sivan- The YouTube boy band (duh!) - 5 seconds of summer- David Bowie and other various bands and artists...and maybe some High School Musical... Don't judge me! I closed my eyes and let the lyrics appear in my mind. Each word was highlighted and would dance around. About 30 minutes later I decided to open up YouTube. I scrolled through my long subscription box and watched everyone's new videos before getting up. I could always rely on music and YouTube to make me feel better. When I was living with my parents I used to hate talking or socializing so it was a little escape to help me get away from any drama. I had now forgotten about anything that was happening in real life so I just casually strolled up the stairs. Of course me and my luck walked right into Joe and Shannon's "little" make out session. Hint the air quotes when I say "little", It wasn't, they looked like fish. I stood there for a minute contemplating what to do. Shall I confront them? Maybe I should cough? Or I could back away and they would- never - know... I decided to use my last idea and probably the best but I spent too long decided and of course Joe looked up. I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't so my mouth ended up looking like a fish- great! Joe awkwardly scratched his neck...

"Uh...sorry Hazel I- I, sorry you had to see that..." I shook my head.

"N-No it's fine. I didn't meant to- interrupt- anything... Sorry" And I turned on my heel and ran down the stairs, almost falling at the bottom may I point out. Could I seriously make myself look any stupider? I ran into my- Joe's! It's not mine, Hazel come on- snap out of it! I ran into Joe's room and replayed the recent events back in my head. Oh..Sugar.

A/n: Kind of a longer one because the others are so short and I haven't updated in a while. I have been really busy with my main story 'If You Were mine (Joe Sugg FanFiction)' so If you want to read more of my work and this hasn't updated in a bit feel free to go check that out! Kay tell me what you think of this chapter in the comments pleassee?!??! Also does anyone want to know a bit about me/ Idk probs not but idk!

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