Chapter 10- I wish I was there

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" you walked in on Joe and Shannon...ya know!"

"NO! Caspar no! God...they were just- you know- making out..."

"Pff 'just -you know- making out' Are you joking? Bro I've NEVER done that" I looked at the pineapple haired idiot.

"Okay...right. I don't really care to be honest with you Casp..." I sighed.

"Dammit. I wish I was there." I looked at Caspar and squinted my eyes,

"Excuse me...what?"

"It would have been funny!"

"I wasn't bloody funny Caspar!" He burst into laughter while I hid my face in my hands. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. We both stopped and looked at the door as a shorter figure popped his head around the door.

"Oh- Hi Caspar..." He whispered.

"Oh hey Joe, I'll leave you two alone..." He smirked at me before fleeing the room.

I took a mental note: Kill Caspar

"Listen Hazel...What you saw before..."

"Joe- It's fine. Honestly. Don't beat yourself up about it. She's your girlfriend so you have every right to kiss her..." I whispered and looked down at my hands.

"Y-yeah I guess...I just thought I should apologise..." I nodded and got up.

"Y-you can sleep here if you want..."

"No you should have it..."

"No Joe I've taken it too many times, It's your turn."...

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