Chapter 39 - Alone Time

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Me and Troye have spent quite a while together the past few days and I haven't had time to actually process what is happening or what emotions I'm feeling. I groaned as the light shone brightly through the curtain, fingers of lights made their way around my room, hypnotising me. I sent a quick text to Troye asking him If I can have some alone time today. I didn't know why I wanted to be alone but I did. Troye replied a few minutes later with a simple "Of course x" and I switched my phone off. I know I should probably go exploring Dublin but I didn't really feel to well and I had zero motivation to move.

I decided to get ready, even If I didn't actually leave my hotel room. I quickly shoved on the first thing on the top of my suitcase, a pair of washed out blue skinny jeans and a T- Shirt that says "IDGAF" but didn't bother to put on any shoes just yet. I didn't bother putting my headphones on or plugging in my earphones on as I started to blast out my favourite playlist. 

I started to dab to various remixes of WILD then dance on top of the hotel bed to Ariana Grande. But then it got to Vapor by 5 Seconds Of Summer and I suddenly stopped. I didn't want to dance or even move. I slumped onto the bed and inspected my nails quietly. I miss Joe. I started to think. I shook my head trying to forget about Joe but that was pretty much impossible.

I couldn't help but miss the way he would snuggle up to me on the settee after we watched movies in the afternoon. Or the way he would randomly take my hand during dinner or the way we would catch each others eyes. Or the way Joe looked at me, the way he made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, even if he wasn't mine. The way he made me feel safe even if we took a late night walk in London.

As the song changed to I feel like dancin'  by All Time Low I couldn't help but feel a cloud of sadness wash over me. I dug my nails into the palms of my head in an attempt not to cry...

A/n: You guys are so nice. Thank you <3

And Troye will be in the next 10 or so chapters probably so please go listen to his music if you haven't already. 


Love you all - Holly <3 xxx

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