Chapter 86- Craving

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"Joe?" I called out to the quiet apartment. A few seconds later I heard the shuffling sound of feet coming through the door.

"What's up babe?" He gently brushed the strands of hair out my eyes.

"I'm hungry"

"No offence but the kitchen is behind you. Can't you just get up and get something?" Joe had a slightly amused look on his face which made me extremely angry.

"Actually- I already did," I snapped, changing his expression dramatically. ", but I want ice cream and we don't have any"

"Does that mean you want me to go out and get you some" I bit the inside of my cheek and looked directly into his eyes.

"Please?" I said with a smile. He rolled his eyes and kissed me briefly on the lips before dashing off.

With a satisfied sigh I leaned back and wrapped myself in a blanket while flicking through the hundreds of channels on TV. After looking for a show to watch and decided nothing good was on at the moment so I flicked through endless piles of movies.


I heard the door shut and Joe come in placing the ice cream tub on my lap and grabbing some spoons from the kitchen.

"Happy now?" Joe raised an eye brow as he snuggled into me on the couch to get comfortable. I grinned at him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Prince! You saved me."

"That's all I get?! Not even a full kiss!" He took one hand off the cold ice cream tub and placed it on my cheek.

"That's cold Joe - STOP!" I began to giggle like a child before he hushed me by placing a finger on my lips and kissing me. A proper kiss, unlike a lot of our recent kisses. We've both been stressed over my pregnancy and finding a house and we've started a family channel for when the baby is born, pregnancy and family life. Our romance has kind of been put on hold.

"I love you Hazel."

"I love you Joe."

We ate the ice cream tub in silence while watching The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. Of course at the end I began to cry my eyes out especially at the point where the mother breaks into tears and the father cries out "BRUNO!".

Joe rubbed my arm lovingly. He kept kissing my hand and trying to calm me down but I couldn't stop the water works.

"Shh- baby. It's okay..He's not real. He's not a real person."

"N-No but all those people died and that's real. People died."

"Oh...Haze, come on it was years ago. You couldn't do anything, you weren't even born"

"Y-Y-Yeah I guess" I rubbed my eyes like a child and leaned into Joe. "God I'm such a Cry Baby" I slightly laughed at myself.

"It's your hormones babe. It's pregnancy."

"Well sort of but I'm always over emotional. God , I hate it."

"Well I love it so shut it Mrs."

"I'm not your Mrs yet..."

"Yeah but you will be..." I looked up at Joe.

"I was thinking. Should we have the wedding after we have the baby? I've always wanted a winter wedding..."

"I was actually gonna suggest that. So you want it in the winter?"

"Oh well only if you want that as well. I don't know, I've just loved winter and Christmas since I was a tiny kid. It was like the one time of year I could feel relaxed and my whole family would be calm and kind to one another."

"I'm not against it. But there's no way we're having outside in Winter."

"Obviously!" I pulled the blanket closer to my chest because I felt a slight breeze brush past me.

It felt so strange planning out my wedding. It felt so strange it almost felt wrong. But It wasn't. I just never knew all of this was going to happen so quickly...

A/n: SOOOO I went away for a week and now I'm dealing with some pretty bad family issues which I don't wanna talk about but I'm still processing everything atm.


So pretty much I was gonna skip this to the wedding then "the last chapter" with the family then an epilogue + Christmas special BUT not anymore. So what's gonna happen is it will skip at some point to the wedding where the baby will be born then it's gonna take another time skip and there's gonna be a few chapters of family life. There will be an epilogue. Keep the book in your library because I'm gonna do specials/ an epilogue. But it well eventually end :-( BUTTTTT We're not there yet so enjoy it while you still can my lovlies.


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