Chapter 84- Reminiscing

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A/n: I'm meant to be binge watching more Supernatural (Castiel and Crowley are in it and like I want to mother fucking fuck Cas he's so cute) but I'm writing this so ur welcome hoes.

Hazel's POV 

Joe's hand wrapped around mine, warming my body from the unexpected, warm contact. Joe's thumb circled gently over to top of my rough hand making it seem smooth. Our hands stayed below the table on my lower thigh. His head bobbed up and down slowly as his eyes fixed on his managers across the table. His teeth pulled back his lip with each bob of his head. My eyes stayed fixed to the carpet as my mouth stayed shut. My scruffy black boots would occasionally scrape over the bumpy carpet but they mostly stayed still. I twirled loose strands of hair with my fingers before tightening my loose ponytail and continuing to play with the strands of hair.  Joe would run his other hand's fingers through his hair then mess it up. I took in every little detail of this very boring meeting. 

Joe had taken me to his morning meeting since we were meant to be going out straight after for a date day but his meeting went from being 30 minutes to an hour.  However I kept my lips tightly shut because I didn't want to be a pain. 

As I sat in silence watching the minutes go by It began to remind me of high school. I remember sitting in lessons and be listening to the teacher then they'd say something that triggered my mind and I would be day dreaming. Then we'd have to go do work and I'd have no clue what to do.

It led me to think about me and Joe. About our first date nights at home. Our most romantic moments. Everything...

Flashback- dancing in the dark

My hands shakily reached out in front of me. My eyes squinted in the dark lighting. I stumbled over my own feet and almost fell face first on the floor but I balanced my self. 
"Joe?! Where are you?!" I squealed into the darkness that surrounded me like a blanket. I heard his voice from behind me. 

"Over here!" I  followed the voice, carefully placing my foot on the floor at a painfully slow pace. My hands reached his torso and a smirk fell upon my lips . 

"Oh hey there stranger!" I whispered into where I guessed was Joe's ear. A few seconds later I saw Joe's bright lock screen of his phone. Music began to gently blast through his phone. He placed it in his pocket, speaker side up. His arm snaked around my waist and intertwined one hand with mine. I couldn't recognise the song but It was slow and romantic. He began to dance with me around the dark room even though neither of us could dance. By the end of the dance we had both been twirled and were in fits of laughter...

End of flashback

I began to smile at my little replayed memory. Joe's hand moved from on top of mine to the glass table in front. Paperwork and mugs covered every inch of it. I moved one hand to cup my balled fists and warm them up. The office was very cold and I had no jacket. 

Flashback- Christmas // 3 years ago

I burst into laughter and fell to the ground. Caspar's eyes were crinkled into a smile, he reminded me of a rabbit. After my mini-laughing fit I sat back up on the carpeted floor of my parents' living room with my legs spread apart making a 'V' shape.  My parents walked into the room hand in hand, flicking the main light off as they sat down on the settee behind us. Caspar threw a blanket at my face as he made his way over to the darkened tree. I frowned at him and made a huffy noise like I used to do as a child. Caspar fumbled under the tree for a number of minutes before the lights that draped over the Christmas tree like a dress flickered on lighting up the small room with a beautiful blue and white colour. I wanted to decorate the tree with multi-coloured lights but my family bought me a mini tree for my room since we couldn't agree on the lights..kind of ridiculous. 

Caspar's mum and sister huddled together on our other couch while my dad turned on a Christmas movie. Caspar gave me a warm smile and grabbed the blanket he had previously thrown at me then wrapped it around the both of us. We watched Elf with the Christmas tree illuminating our faces and making the room feel cosier...

End of flashback

I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling too much at the beautiful memory I had. I let my thoughts run wild in my mind as I waited for Joe's , probably important, meeting to end. As it came to an end Joe thanked them for their time and they thanked us for coming. With that we left the building and walked into heavy rain. 

"For fuck sake..." I cursed under my breathe while stepping into the freezing cold, drenching rain. Joe looked at me with worry before taking off his coat and giving it to me. I gladly took the source of warmth with a kiss on Joe's cheek. "Thanks stranger..." I whispered into his ear. Luckily Joe had a second jacket underneath his coat so he wasn't too cold. We walked hand in hand to Starbucks which was filled to the brim with soaking customers. We waited in a long queue that trailed around the shop like a snail's shell.

After we got our hot drinks we decided to just make a run for it to the car and wait until the rain had died down a bit before we went on our date day. Joe wouldn't stop smiling at me when I got into the car and I got very confused. 

"what? Is there something on my face? Is this a prank?" Joe  laughed and took my spare hand into his while kissing it and rubbing a thumb over the place he kissed. 

"No baby, no. Just - you look super cute all wet." I couldn't help but laugh a bit as he said it. For a moment his face scrunched up into a confused expression before realising what he had said. "Really Haze? You're gonna raise a baby but still laugh at childish innuendos? You're so immature." 

"What?! You're the one that used to make videos with 'Innuendo' in the title!" 

"Yeah whatever, I'm never telling you how cute you look ever again."

"No! You're such a meanie..." I started acting like a child, doing a puppy face and pretending to cry. 

"You're so funny Hazel, the whole worlds laughing."

"Wait are you actually angry at me? I'm sorry baby.."

"No not really...but you really do look cute...actually no- you look beautiful." I smiled brightly at my soon-to-be-husband. I leaned in and kissed him, cupping his cheek with my hand while keeping my hot drink in the other. "Let's leave the make out session for when we get home.." I rolled my eyes at him before he put his drink in the cup holder and drove away in the less-heavy rain.

Music blasted through the car while I watched rain drops carefully slide down the window...

A/n: Merry Halloween...I mean October but you know...There are also creepy clowns at the place I live rn so I'm too afraid to leave my house- help.


QOTCA: Cal-Pal from the Don't Stop music video (I'm not a fake fan of 5SOS, ((a don't stop))  I swear down)

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