Chapter 65 -Settling In & I Love You's

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I moved into Joe's apartment yesterday. As soon as I walker through the bloody door there was a cardboard cutout of Oli White from Joe and Caspar's first Hit The Road. I screamed super loudly when I saw it in the mean time Joe was rolling on the floor with laughter. I wasn't too happy with my welcoming present...
We woke up super late today because of stupid jet lag.
"Joe...babe..." I groaned I turned over to poke my boyfriends' a cheek. He simply groaned in response and turned his cheek away. I opened my eyes a little wider to see him clearer and rubbed my hand up and down his arm. He slowly turned over and started to kiss my neck.
"No...Joe...n-not now" I complained kissing his lips to stop him.
"Why?" He looked at me, still looking tired.
"I'm still fucking tired and I don't want to fall asleep while we have sex.." I blurted out my sentence without thinking.
"Damn, okay I wanted to make out not have sex" he chuckled at me and my cheeks flushed pink.
"Sorry I just"
"No need to apologise, babe" I turned over to hide my face in hope he wouldn't see the awful colour currently placed on my cheeks. He rubbed my back up and down and came closer to my ear. "Why are you hiding your face?" He asked in his husky, sleepy voice. I turned back over so we were inches apart.
"Because I'm embarrassed"
"But you're adorable when you're embarrassed!" He kissed my cheek.
"I'm always embarrassed, I hate it so much"
"Hey listen to me" he gently pulled my chin up to look at him, "I love it when you get embarrassed so never think it's a bad thing."
"Thank you, I love you" I kissed him quickly and he kissed me back.
"I hate you"
"What?" I asked suddenly hurt. I knew it was a joke but it was a horrible joke to play on my weak heart.
"I hate you" he said it so simply as if it meant nothing. I felt tears in the corner of my eyes so I quickly looked down. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and as it did I felt Joe's arms around me.
"Hey, hey, hey...shh baby girl, I was kidding...I love you lots, I love you so much I would catch a grenade for ya" Joe began to sing to me and I smiled at him when he let go of me and sang loudly to me. I ended up letting out little bursts of happy laughter. He finally stopped and I straddled him. My hair dangled around our faces, like our own private curtain.
"You're a dork."
"I'm a dork you love"
"You're a dork I'm deeply in love with" I whispered before leaning in once more and passionately kissing my boyfriend's lips.  I then un-straddled him and grabbed my clothes out of the wardrobe.
"Where should I get changed?" I asked shyly.
"Here, don't worry I won't look if you don't want.." Classic Joe, considerate and understanding.
"Uhm, okay, well you can look just don't stare I mean you're gonna see it eventually right..." God I'm so awkward.
"Of course babe, when you're ready remember..." I nodded and took of my pyjama bottoms, facing the wall.
"Nice butt" Joe whistled.
"Shut your ass you dick, I know it's big leave me alone!" I complained while I got on new underwear and jeans.
"No, babe. I didn't mean it sarcastically I meant it like, you have a really nice butt, it's beautiful."
"Wow, Joe. I think that's the first time you've ever called me pretty! And it was to my butt" I laughed while I took off my top and unhooked my bra with a struggle.
"What did you say?" Joe asked. I turned around with my clean bra in my hand down by my waist.
"I said-" I completely forgot I wasn't wearing a bra and Joe's eyes widened.
"Well I wasn't expecting to see them today but okay.." He chuckled. I knew Joe didn't mind so I laughed It off and put on a new bra and my 5 Seconds Of Summer top I seemed to always be wearing.
"Aren't you gonna get ready at some point this week?" I scoffed at Joe's lazy ass.
"Maybe...why you want to see my junk?"
"Ew, really Joe? That's fucking gross" I slapped his knee and walked away from him, out the room and down the stairs.
"Hey don't leave me!" He called at me but I kept walking. I stalked through our cupboards for some sort of breakfast item but failed to find any.
"Well of course we're not gonna have any SHIT because you don't eat shit for breakfast!" I could hear the smirk through his stupid comment.
"I hate you." I said as he came down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"Nah you love me really"
"How many times have I said I love you this morning?"
" I've said more than you, actually. " I placed my hand on my hip.
"Well then. Dear Hazel, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you" I placed my index finger on his lips and he kissed it.
"Shh, before you run out of 'I love you's"
"I'll never run out of 'I love you's for you"
"That's sweet but really cheesy"
"Yeah but you love me"
"Oh my god, Joe. I'm not saying it again!" I giggled. "What was that?"
"I giggled? Why did I do that?"
"Because you're a girl and girls giggle?"
"No! That's sexist, Ashton Irwin giggles"
"The drummer from 5 Seconds Of Summer, come on Joe. Get with it" I rolled my eyes at him and turned to get a glass from the cupboard. I reached up on my tip toes before I felt Joe pressing his chest into my back. His hand reached above mine and grabbed the glass before me.
"Thanks" I grinned before filling up the glass with tap water and leaned against the counter.  "So what are we doing for breakfast?" Joe glanced down at his watch.
"You mean lunch?"
"What?! Well shit okay then, lunch"
"Well I need to vlog today, is that okay?"
"Yeah of course"
"We could always meet up with Zoe and Alfie, we could go up to Brighton tomorrow?"
"That sounds cool!" I exclaimed before coughing and adjusting my position. " I mean yeah sure...whatever"
"Okay I'll text them" He chuckled lowly. "We can go eat at-" my phone made a loud noise in my pocket.
(10) Texts from: Lily
"Who is it?"
"Uhm, my friend Lily. She seems to be trying to get my attention."
I opened my messages.
Where are you?
Did you move away?
I came to deliver a letter from Jess to you.
It got lost in the mail and sent to my address instead of yours, I'm not sure how.
Please answer me...
Come on, Haze.
Tell me where you live now so I can send you it.
Are you okay?
You know I'm here for you

"Oh my god.."
"What? Hazel? Are you okay?" I shook my head violently. "Babe, what happened?"
"Uh...come sit down.." I replied, still in shock. We walked over to the settee, hand in hand and sat down.
"I used to have a best friend called Jessica, or for short - Jess. She was the baddy of the school, she was always getting into dangerous situations and was constantly getting in trouble. But I loved her. One day I found out she had been...hurting...herself. I-i didn't know what to do so I told her that she would be fine, that she can stop. She said she did. One day my mum told me that one day she had cut too much and too deep. I didn't cry though. I couldn't. I didn't cry till the day of her funeral. I got a text from my friend Lily saying there was a lost letter addressed to me..." Joe wiped under my eyes where tears had gathered,  I sniffled but didn't sob.
"Is it back in South Africa?" Joe asked taking my hand in his and kissing the back of it repeatedly.
"Yeah..she said she would send it to me but I don't know if I can handle reading a letter from her..."
"You know you don't have to, it's your choice.."
"I'm gonna get her to send it to me but-but I'll see if I'm ready to read it when it comes."
"Okay, good idea Honey."
"I ruined the day, didn't I? I'm sorry - I couldn't help it I just, I miss her a lot.."
"No-no-no, you didn't ruin anything. I understand you miss her. That's perfectly normal and whenever you do you tell me so I can make you happier."
"I will...I guess I'm more afraid of forgetting her than anything else."
"It's okay, love. You won't forget her...I won't let you" I hugged Joe, still sniffling into his shoulder.
"Thank you for everything. You saved me"

Shout out to @Joe_sugg_topless , she's in hospital and says this fan FIC is helping her so :-)
Shout out to ALL OF YOU for being amazing and still supporting me for about 8 months now on this fan fiction.

QOTC: How old are y'all?

QOTCA: sorry, it's classified ;-)


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