Chapter 4- You should win an Oscar

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A/n: I wrote this on my phone so sorry for any spelling mistakes or anthing like that :)

I saw the bright fingers of light wrap around the room's hospital, white walls. The orange glow to the yellow light was mesmerising and was an easy way to get distracted.

Memories of last nights events shone through my mind like a fresh cut to bring more pain to an old wound; the wound you know you want to go away but you know will leave a scar.

Or the empty walls of this hotel room. Clearly only painted once because it's a thin, flat surfaced paint job (sorry, I just watched Sherlock) . The white walls may have been wanted at the time but now you may want... Orange? Purple? Red? But you have to remember little things about the last time you painted them to re fresh it. Even though you know it's a hard thing to do.

The memory of Joe giving me the look that said, I'm sorry but at the same time saying I care more for Caspar, goodbye .

A shiver was sent down my spine, waking every inch of my body up. A sigh escaped my lips as I scrolled through the giant list of Missed Calls from a range of people.

Caspar- of course he would call me to make sure I was safe.

Mum- I totally forgot my mum wanted me to call her when I got home so she knew I was safe.

Lily- My good friend from school, calling me to make sure I was safe.

Last but not least....

Joe- He had text me, after presumably getting my number off Caspar somehow, telling me it was him and I need to pick up because he needed to know I was safe.

I was sitting up but slowly melted back into the pillow feeling guilt spread through my core.

As I got up to get changed a bang at the door sent me flying back into my bed and almost giving me a heart attack...Thanks!

Getting back up to my feet as fast as my body could work I ran to the door in my YouTube is my family, My husband, my children and my parents PJ top and plain black leggings.

I didn't think twice to look the through the little hole in the door to find out who was coming to my hotel door.

I opened the door to what looked like an extremly tired, sad and stressed Joe Sugg.

Even though I did feel bad for him and it took almost all the energy I had just mustered up to not hold him close to me, he still hurt me.

"Look, Hazel. You may not like me. You may not like us. You may not like my family and friends but I need to tell you something. You are one of my friends. Do you not think I haven't seen you those few times you got to Skype call Caspar. All those photos you sent of you and your family? I learnt so many things about you even though I had never met you! I know you love sour things and you're a fan of Disney World more than the actual movies. I know that you're parents once said you spent more time watching YouTube than coming down to them so they didn't let you watch youtube for a week and you spilled all your feelings to Caspar..."

I felt tears prickle my eyes as I remember that horrible week. I love my family and I love spending time with them but Caspar is also family and spending 20 years in the same house with the same people gets boring. When they took YouTube away from me I felt a piece of family leave me, that was Caspar and all the other little family members I got to see on his channel...

"How do you know this?"

"Because Caspar is my best friend and my room mate, so when he is sad or upset he tells me and that's part of the reason why I said I don't like you. I don't want to let Caspar down. I don't want him to leave me Arzaylea (Is that how you spell her name?)"

"Who is... Arzaylea?"

"Uhh... I'll talk later about her..."

There was a moment of tense silence where I knew Joe wanted me to say if I accepted his sort of way to say sorry.
"You should win an Oscar..." I laughed, lightening the mood. He let out a hot, chuckle that made the hairs on my body stand up.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" He said looking down on me.

Yes, I'm short okay! He's taller than me and I'm 5"3 and he's a 5"8 1/2  or something.

I nodded my head and he engulfed me in a bear hug, blessing me with his wonderful smell. I didn't want this moment to end. I slowly pulled away though not wanting to make things any more weird or awkward. He smiled at me before finally acknowledging what I was wearing.

He let out another goofy laugh before gently pulled him into my hotel room.
"Wait here while I get changed" I told Joe firmly as if he were a young child or dog. He nodded and sat on my bed taking in the surroundings.

I ran into the bathroom with my clothes and changed as quick as I found humanly possible.

When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Joe was no longer sitting on the edge of my bed.

Joe was stood by the window with his mouth slightly open. Once again the urge to kiss him was at a high but I just about managed to stop myself.

I walked over to him and he snapped his head to me. I just smiled up at him and he kissed my cheek leaving me in a very girly state...

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