Chapter 52 - Vidcon

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A/n: Sorry I know these are annoying but THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORTIVE COMMENTS ON THE LAST CHAPTER! I can't believe I even inspired one of you to write a fan fiction yourself! You are the best readers ever and it's crazy to think that I would have so many supportive people reading my book. I'm so sorry but this book will be coming to an end in the near future. I LOVE YOU! XXX

Joe is leaving for Vidcon today but to be honest it's not even for that long. Well no actually Vidcon isn't very long but then Joe is going with Caspar on another Hit The Road. I'm staying in London for a few more days before I go back home and get things packed. As soon as Joe and Caspar finish Hit The Road they're both coming to South Africa...Complicated, right? My alarm rang loudly. I swear I change my alarm song every week, last week it was When We Were Young by Adele and this week it's English Love Affair by 5 Seconds Of Summer. I groaned and turned my alarm off but replaced the alarm with the actual song. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep in my eye. I quickly slipped on my "The Walking Dead" T-shirt and some black skinny jeans before quickly applying a thin layer of Vaseline on my chapped lips. I had a little while before Joe had to leave so I went downstairs and scrolled through Instagram. Joe was in the other room still packing things last minute. I saw rumours that 5SOS were bringing out a new movie and I almost threw my phone across the room. I checked the time and saw Joe needed to leave.

"JOE! BABE!" I shouted loudly for Joe. A few seconds later he walked into the room with his two bags with him. It was then when it hit me like a ton of bricks hard to the chest. We might not be seeing each other for almost a month if not longer. My breathing became heavier and more apparent. I felt tears form in my eyes so I tried to wipe them away without showing Joe I was crying. I failed miserably and me and Joe stood there hugging for a long time, well until Joe's Uber arrived to take him to the airport.

"I love you..." Joe whispered quietly before he left.

"I love you..." I replied kissing him for the last time before he was forced to leave...

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