Chapter 34 - The Break Up

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I shuffled my feet along the pavement on the way back to Caspar's apartment. Goosebumps had become visible on the top of my skin as I shivered, I forgot my coat again. My mascara had started to run down my face from the visible tears falling from my eyes. People stared at me with disgust but I ignored them and kept walking. I got to Caspar's apartment and Joe was no where to be seen. I heard Caspar run through into this room. He engulfed me in a hug, squeezing me tightly. He let go of me and wiped underneath my eyes where the streaks of mascara were in an attempt to get rid  of them. I let out a little laugh at Caspar because he was confused why he couldn't get it off. I walked into the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water before staring at myself in the mirror, you're a wreck! The voices tormented me, again. I shook it off and dried my face before walking back into the living room to see Joe and Brit, having a fight...

"Why? I haven't done anything wrong!" Brit shouted loudly.

"No but...I love someone else." Joe said calmly. My heart dropped, like a plane through turbulence. He loved someone else, someone who wasn't Brit and not me. My fingers busied themselves by playing with my ring, spinning it around, moving it up and down. 

"Who?..." Brit whispered with tears falling fast from her eyes. 

"I-I..I haven't told her yet, because I won't cheat. Never, so I had to break up with you...I'm sorry" Joe whispered holding her hands. Brit nodded before picking up her bag from the coffee table and leaving. Joe turned around to Caspar who was standing next to me, his face turned into a shocked expression.

"Hazel?" He asked and ran towards me. I suddenly felt concious of what I looked like. I mean I probably look like a walker (zombie) from the Walking Dead right now. His arms brought me close to him as he rubbed my back with his hand in a soothing way.  "Hazel, we need to talk...Caspar?" He asked Caspar to leave by pointing to the door and Caspar rolled his eyes before leaving. I gulped and looked into Joe's beautiful eyes. "Hazel, I'm so sorry-"

"Stop Joe." I said sadly. "Stop trying, you love someone else, I heard it all, it's fine." I looked down but Joe lifted my head. 

"No, you stop. Let me finish," I shut my mouth and listened to Joe. ",I love you, Hazel. Not Brit, Not Shannon, you." My eyes widened in shock, no way. I expected the voices to tell me something horrible like, he doesn't love you, it's just a prank for YouTube. But nothing happened. The voices where gone and I was finally happy. I leaned in and kissed Joe without thinking. It felt good to have Joe's lips on mine and this time, It didn't feel...wrong.

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