Chapter 25 - #SorryNotSorry

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My eyes widened as the words left my lips. I quickly spammed the end call button before screaming into my pillow. 

fuck, fuck, fuck.

I tried my best to ignore the new demons in my head by going onto twitter. I quickly typed a quick tweet "I didn't mean to say it, but I did, and to be honest #SorryNotSorry" I tweeted that without any mentions or anything. I hate myself for it, It's like I'm becoming Arzaylea (search her up). I only have 2k on my Twitter account but people flooded into my notifications with them asking what's wrong, what happened, who it's about, yada yada yada. I didn't reply to anyone separately but I replied to them all in a new tweet "Don't worry, loves. I just found out love is a losing battle :/" and once again people flooded me with support and worry but I certainly wasn't telling them what happened.

Joe's POV (Oh yeah, I went there)

I looked through my Twitter feed trying to distract my mind from her. At first when she said what she did I thought maybe I heard it wrong, but now I'm not so sure. I saw a tweet from Caspar saying "What's up? Xx" I clicked on the conversation and saw an account that looked familiar. I looked through the account until I saw a photo of Hazel, Holy shitballs. I quickly found my way back to the set of tweets Hazel had posted a few minutes ago. 

"I didn't mean to say it, but I did, and to be honest #SorryNotSorry" My eyes scanned over the tweet a million times, questioning what she meant. Then I read her second tweet "Don't worry,loves. I just found out love is a losing battle :/" It clicked, She was talking about me. 

Well shit.

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