Chapter 59- YouTube

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Since me and Joe got here so late we have less days here. The majority of the time we're packing my things or cuddling while watching YouTube videos or TV shows.

"Babe, I think it's time we tell my viewers we're an item, and that we're moving in together..." I nodded and Joe ran off to quickly grab his camera and tri-pod. Joe took my hand into his. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" I nodded once more before he turned the camera on and kept my hand in his. 

"Hello YouTube, so this is -as some of you already know- Caspar's cousin, Hazel. That's all she was to me months and months ago. The more time I spent with her though, the more I fell for her hazel eyes and her amazing personality. We've had our ups and our downs but we're finally at a place were we aren't too afraid to tell you all that we're boyfriend and girlfriend. We're moving in together." Joe looked at me with a small smile playfully placed on his lips.

"Yeah, uh, I lived in South Africa - which is where we are right now. We're packing away my stuff to take back to London." I finished for Joe.

"We don't care if you don't like our relationship because we're in love and that's all that matters. If you're going to hate please don't hate on Hazel, hate on me. Sorry this video is so short but this is only on my vlogging channel anyway. I'll see you all in the next video- bye"Joe waited a few seconds before getting up and turning the camera off.

"We did it.." I whispered. My hands were shaking, so many bad thoughts raced through my head. What if they hated me? I'm an over emotionally challenge person I can't handle that! I started to freak out as Joe started to upload the footage to YouTube.

 I quickly excused myself to the bathroom and locked the door in a hurry. My eyes were bloodshot and my nose was running. I quickly opened my music app on my phone. I pressed Mrs. Potato Head by Melanie Martinez. As the song played I looked at myself in the mirror, No one will love you if you're unattractive. I wiped under my eyes to get rid of the tears and splashed my face, will a pretty face make it better? I started to feel dizzy because I'm not completely recovered. As the world darkened I saw red on my hand and the lyrics of Mrs. Potato Head rang through my brain, Do you swear you'll stay forever - Even if her face don't stay together..

a/n: I'M GOING ON HOLIDAY TOMORROW!! Well I'm going to Dublin at 10:00PM then sleeping for about 6 hours at a hotel there then getting a flight at 7 something but I have to be there way earlier so we aren't late. The flight to Atlanta is about 8 hours or something then I have to go in the car for 40 minutes to my apartment then I go shopping! Well damn but tomorrow i'll try my best to update TWICE or an extra long chapter, K- ILYSM BYE

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