Chapter 64- Moving To London

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It's finally time for me to leave. Unfortunately my parents are still away with some friends so they're not here to say goodbye to me but they promised to come meet us in England at some point.
"You ready, babe?" Joe asked as he took my hand. I nodded my head as we exited the front door. I felt sadness wash over me as we made our way down the cobble path I had been walking on since I was a little girl. I quickly took one last glance at my little house before getting in the Uber.
If I'm honest I don't know what's happening with all my personal stuff. We're taking as much of it as we can back in our suitcase we brought but all the other stuff has to stay at home I guess.
The car ride to the airport didn't take very long but it was very early in the morning so I almost fell asleep on Joe's shoulder countless times before forcing my eyes open.
We got into the airport and I immediately felt overwhelmed. I've done flights so many times it should be like a walk in the park but for some reason this time felt so different. I know I won't be coming back to this home properly possible ever again and that's a scary thought.
"Are you okay, Haze?" Joe asked, wrapping an arm around my side to steady me.
"Yeah it's just a bit overwhelming you know? Knowing you won't be back here within the next few weeks to stay home. It's now my parents' home. It may always be my parents' home now and not our family home..." I completely opened up to Joe. I guess I've always done that with Joe. He's so easy to talk to it's hard not to, especially when he's making me swoon when he holds me close to him like I'm a fragile puppy.
"I promise I'll take you home, babe. Pinky promise" I smiled up at Joe. He always makes the worse situations better, that's something I love about him, the way he just smiles like the world is so happy. Usually when he cries it's fake crying as a joke, making the world happier. I don't know how he does it but damn is it fantastic. (I'm sorry but fucking Amnesia came on @ 5sos FAM, help me)
"Thank you..." I whispered and pouted up at him, hinting him to kiss my lips. As he bent down to kiss me I heard a loud collection of screams. I knew that kind of scream a mile away, after all I've done that scream. The fan girl scream.
"I think your fans saw us.." I hid embarrassed face in his chest, probably making the situation worse. A small group of 3 girls ran up to us. I could see their parents in the distance rolling their eyes and shaking their head which honestly made me laugh. My parents are exactly like that.
"HI JOE, HI HAZEL" My heart dropped. They know my name. I couldn't tell weather I should be happy or freaked out. Hazel they're fans, you're a fan of bands and youtubers, you know the names of their partners. I calmed myself down as quick as I could and let go of Joe even though he reluctantly let me go. I kept my pinky linked with his because I swear I had seen it or read that somewhere. It seemed like it keeps you safe without being TOO obvious.
"Can we have a selfie?" One girl asked and Joe responded quickly.
"Yeah, of course" I stepped away from Joe and the girls. I saw Joe smile into the camera but quickly glance at me almost to make sure no one had kidnapped me.
"Hazel can we have a selfie?" Another girl asked.
"Oh uh you want a selfie" I asked with my eye brows raised.
"Yeah you're one of our favourite YouTube girlfriends!" They exclaimed happily. I laughed with them and smiled in front of their IPhone's camera.
"Well, thank you." I smiled. The girl that had barely spoken who also looked the youngest looked up at me. They were clearly all sisters.
"Um can I have a hug?" She stuttered and my heart awed at the sight. I nodded and bent down to hug her. She must have been about 9 or 10 and she was certainly short for her age but I wasn't complaining I was like that at her age until I had a growth spurt.
"Thank you" She replied with tears in her eyes and I felt bad immediately.
"Oh no are you okay? Did I hug you too tight?" I asked holding her back.
"Oh no, she cries a lot. She gets very emotional." One of the other girls quickly jumped in and took her hand. "Come on, Sandy" They thanked us and walked away, hand in hand.  Joe helped me get up from my kneeling position.
"See, I told you they love you..." He smiled at me and I wanted to hit him but I couldn't help but smile. No matter how much I deny it, he's right. They love me, well no they love me and Joe's relationship...
"Well they love our relationship..." I collected my bag from Joe's side and made my way up to bag check in.
"I can see why, I love our relationship too." He spoke seriously. I laughed so loudly a woman in front of us turned around angrily but quickly noticed I was holding onto Joe because i couldn't breath I was laughing so much. She saw we were together when he kissed my head and just smiled sweetly at us and to that I returned the gesture.
Some people in this world are ass holes, but there are some people who truly make the world a happier, better place...

A/n: Okay I really enjoyed writing this chapter because I loved writing about them meeting the fans.
Oh guess what I'm so sick rn, like I'm visiting my grandad in the countryside and I'm allergic to something here because every time I come I sneeze my heart out. I HATE IT, SEND HELP.

QOTC: What was your first concert? That is if you have gone to one. What age where you when you went?

QOTCA: Mine was 5 Seconds Of Summer this year at Sounds Live Feels Live but my age is classified ;-)

Thanks for all the love and support, I'm forever grateful - Holly XxX

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