Chapter 46 - Date night, part 2

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A/n: I am drinking tea while writing this- if you know Daz Black then HUH- TIME FOR A TEA PARTYYYYYY! oh and lines in italic are song lyrics that I randomly put in, lmao. ily <3 ps. I'm meant to be learning Shakespeare for tomorrow, a whole speech but I'm busy writing this crappy fanfiction - I s2g if i get a detention because of this.

Joe asked me out on a date this morning so of course I said yes. It's weird, usually when guys try coming close to me, not like they do that a lot, I would walk as far away as possible but with Joe it's like I always want him to be closer to me. Like last night when I was snuggled up to Joe I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Millions of girls (and guys) would have killed someone just to sit with Joe the way I did. Anyway, Joe told me we were just going on a little picnic at a park but to be honest I was so excited. Joe can be any where with me and make it fun. We could be stuck in the middle of an ocean with water flooding the boat and I would still have a good time. 

I un-zipped my suitcase and scavenged through the pile of clothes to find something acceptable. It was getting darker in the sky all day, I kind of suspected it was going to rain but I love the rain. I like the summer rain. I decided on some black skinny jeans and a t-shirt thing that tied up at the bottom but had no sleeves. I decided not to bring a jacket because who knows, it might get warmer- right? 

I re-packed all the clothes that were now lying on the cold hard ground. I slipped on my white vans (aye aye) and grabbed a small, black bag on the bed. It had my phone, purse and keys in it. I investigate Caspar's apartment in a hunt to find him. As I was almost left in bewilderment until I felt a ton weight collapse onto my back. My eyes widened in shock, I immediately fell forward and almost hit my head on the ground. Caspar quickly jumped off me to help me to my feet. I smacked his arm but of course to him it didn't hurt at all. 

"Okay- geez - sorry. Okay now remember, no sex without protection and-"

"CASPAR! We're going on a picnic date not to his bedroom!" I shouted and laughed at the same time. Caspar is so over protective. I rolled my eyes at his rambling and mumbling before walking out the door. 

I checked my phone for the time,  8:31, well he's one minute late. God I'm so annoying, it's just one minute. As I looked up from my phone I saw a manly figure stroll up to me. 

"Hey Hazel." It was Joe. A smile spread across my face as he held out his hand for me to take. "I have the picnic all set up, it's a 5 minute walk there. It's set perfectly in view of the sunset."  I side hugged Joe, a way of thanking him if you like. I've always wanted to watch the sun set, I've always been too distracted to notice when it was happening. 

On the way to the picnic me and Joe swung our hands through the mid- dark street. 

"So, are you?" Joe mumbled. As he spoke I could see the steam radiate from his mouth and swirl in the night's crispy air before washing away. I didn't realise how cold it was getting before I shivered.

"u-Uh I'm fine" I shivered but tried to hide it. I wanted to stay out there with Joe, I needed to. 

"Wait, are you cold? Here" Joe took off his jacket and draped it around my shoulders before draping his arm over my shoulder and moving his hand up and down, sending sparks flying through my body.  "Don't worry, when we get there, under the tree where the picnic is I brought an extra blanket because I thought it would get cold." I suppressed a bigger smile than the one already sitting comfortably on my mouth. 

"Mr Sugg is a very clever boy!" I joked and rubbed Joe's hair as if he were a kid. He pouted and stuck a tongue out as he fixed his hair again even though it looked really sexy without him changing it. 

We finally arrived at the picnic spot just in time. Because Joe was late and we took forever walking here ,even though it's meant to be a 5 minute walk , the sun began to set. Joe took out some spaghetti bolognese.

"I swear that's the only thing you can cook!" I exclaimed as he handed me the warm-ish plate. "Good thing I like spaghetti and it always tastes delicious" 

"Call me- Mr Joseph The Super Duper Amazing Chef" His joke reminded me of a dad joke.

"That was such a dad joke! I bet you're gonna be a good dad" Good one Hazel, now it seems like you're pushing to something else.

"Really? You think I'd be a good dad? I thought I would be terrible?"

"What! Why? I mean you always make dad jokes, you're a really nice person. I mean any woman who is lucky enough to have your genetics in their baby I am truly jealous of." Before I thought about the words coming out my mouth they were said, no going back now. 

"Did you just kind of call" 

"No, I 'kinda' called you cute" Joe leaned in closer to me. His eyes flickered to my lips before he delicately placed his lips on mine as if they were precious artefacts. 

"You know what else is cute?" Joe asked me, I shrugged- still very close to him "You..." He whispered before kissing me again. Just like a movie I felt a rain drop fall on my head lead by another, and another. Just like that it was raining like crazy. 

"Can we stay here? in the rain?" I asked Joe. Like I said, I love the summer rain.

"I mean, yeah if you want. Wait- here's the blanket." He draped another blanket over the top of us. I took out my phone and my head phones before plugging one earbud in Joe's ear then mine. I let my songs play on shuffle as we got sandwiched in between two blankets, a tree and the rain.

But if I'm honest, there's no where I'd rather be...

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