Chapter 55- Texts

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A/n: Hi, I'm in my English class right now and we're meant to be making posters but I'm sat next to my best friend and she's reading gay fan fiction and I'm writing this. I think me writing in lessons has become a thing. Okay have a good day- bye OH BTW I'M GOING ON HOLIDAY FOR 3 WEEKS IN THE SUMMER (the 24th of July) SO IDK IF I'LL UPDATE IN THAT TIME BECAUSE I'M IN FLORIDA so yeah :)

A smile formed on my lips as I started to play Girls Talk Boys. It recently got leaked so i've been listening to it for days on repeat. When I heard Luke's voice I freaked the fuck out so I quickly sent him a text telling him to congratulate the others on the success of the song and how good it sounded. I have to go to the airport tomorrow morning so I'm prepping myself for that. My phone suddenly buzzed in my jeans pocket and I jumped up in fright. Joe's name flashed up on screen and my heart beat sped up. He hadn't talked to me in a few weeks and I really missed him. I guess they finished filming. 

From: Joe <3: I finished filming Hit The Road U.S!  I'm coming home in a few days, will you be there? xxx

My heart instantly dropped. There was no way I could delay my flight anymore than I already had.

To: Joe <3: Fuck, I'm so sorry, Joe. My flight to South Africa is tomorrow morning. xxx

From: Joe <3 :  Awh, it's fine. I guess I'll just have to make a surprise visit out there. xxx

A smile happily lay on my lips as I quickly sent a text back. 

To: Joe <3: I WOULD LOVE THAT! I miss you XXX

From: Joe <3: I miss you so much. I wanna hug you and cuddle you and kiss you! Argh as soon as I get back I'm taking the next flight to South Africa XXX

To: Joe <3: Babe, it's fine. Flights are expensive and you just got back from a flight! I love you but I'm not that important xxx

From: Joe <3: What time is your flight tomorrow? xxx

I was kind of annoyed that he managed to pie what we were just discussing so I tried to look past it but I am a very easily annoyed person.

To: Joe <3:  10:00 AM, so I have to leave early- why???? xxx

From: Joe <3: Ily

To: Joe <3: ily2???

After that text I got no further reply. I was confused to say the least but I smiled and read back through our short text conversation. I miss Joe. I miss his smile and laugh. I miss how raspy his voice is in the morning. I miss when I'm sad for no reason so he cuddles me and tells me all the good things about me. I miss him in general. I love him, I can't believe I found love...

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