First Meet

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3 hrs later outside Mumbai airport:
"god.. Why do i always get stuck in such situations...Fab5 would be cursing me for postponing the rehearsals once again.."Manik murmured while parking his car outside the airport."kon hai.. Kaise dikhte hai... How will i know...bus kyunki Kanishk chacha ne unse help maangi toh she couldn't say no... I mean how will i find those people in such a crow whom I've never seen.. And wait mom said children.. Dont tell me she meant those school going kids.. Crap... I should've asked her.."he walked in after parking his car.

Inside Mumbai airport:
"diiiii!!"Rishabh freaked out after getting down the plane.
"What!!What is it Rishabh?Dont scream like this it freaks me out.."she looked at him and held his arms carefully and tightly.
"di!it looks like hum... We are in some jungle.. Mangalore was so peaceful.. And this is sooo... Ppl here are so wierd.. Dekho inhe.. And where is that guy Amms said would come to pick us... I forgot his name.."Rishabh walked carefully trying not to bump into anyone.
"Manik..."she said softly and looked around.
Manik entered the visitors area. There were millions of people there. He couldn't understand anything. He tried his mom's number but it went unanswered. "where do i find them in the crowd of millions now.."he murmured and started running from one corner to the other trying to figure out some way. He was standing in the middle of the area when someone abruptly bumped into him.
" what the hell" he freaked.
"god this place is so confusing and the people are so wierd here..And who told you to stand in the middle of the way.."a girl who could barely reach his shoulders looked at him with wide eyes as if trying to threaten him.
"hey listen.. Its not my fault.. You came out of nowhere and bumped into me..."he looked at her angrily.
"do you wanna say that i'm at fault.. Ji nhi.. Tum khambe ki tarah kahi bh khade ho jaoge toh iss mein mera kya fault hai.. An look around do think anybody can walk straight in such a messy area.. Huh!!"she said as she turned around.
"Di.. Dont argue yrr.. We first need to get out of here.."spoke a boy from behind.
"Rishu but i don't know where he is...and i dont even know the exit here.. "she paused." hey listen can you please tell us where.."Nandini looked around but Manik was not there.. "where did he go?!"she looked at Rishabh confused.
" he went on his way.."Rishabh replied..
"uhh... That guy was sooo rude.. I wonder how are the others.."she said and humphed.
She slowly started walking towards random directions with Rishabh at one side and their luggage at the other. She periodically stopped to ask few people adound and read tje directions on a few sign boards.
After almost half an hour of directionlessly roaming around they successfully found the exit. Both breathed a sigh of relief.
"what do you think we should wait for Manik or we shoul call chacha and find out things on our own.."she looked at Rishabh who was confused himself.
"i think we should wait for a while.. Maybe he is on his way."he replied not sure of what he said.
"okay then.. I think i should call up amms and tell her that we hve reached."she said and called up amms.
While on the other side Manik was still inside the airport crazily running around like a child lost in the crowd of millions. He was tired. It had almost been an hour but he could not figure out anything. Atlast he gave up. He walked out of the airport sweating badly.
"huh! These people are crazy.. Actually that girl was right. Its such a mess here. Nobody can even step in here..huh..but she was so rude to me.. How dare she!!anyways sorry mom i tried my level best to find those children but i could not.."he blabbered while he sat in his car and drove out of there.
Nandini and Rishabh were waiting outside since half an hour but they could not see any sign of Manik. "now this is enough.. I can't wait any longer.. Its so hot here."Rishabh finally said in a frustrated tone.
" Do you think i should call chacha and ask.."she said softly.
"haan di.. Do it before i faint.."he groaned.
Nandini called chacha and explained everything to him. He could understand Manik's as well as Nandini's plight. They had never met each other so this was expected.
"kanna..u wait.. I'll send my driver.. He shall be there in 15. please bare. And i suppose Manik might have come but maybe u both could not recognize each other kyunki ofcourse you've never met so.. Anyways just wait my driver shall be there.."he said and hung up. Soon the driver came and Nandini recognized the car number as told by chacha. Nandini spoke to the driver and he helped them with the luggage and then drove them home

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