Insecurities Along Abhi!!

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Manik surprising woke up early as his heart could not stay calm for any longer.. He didn't understand the reason for such a behavior. He had never been so desperately waiting to see someone. Not even Vidhi who he claimed to love more than anything. Vidhi Singhania.. A name that everybody avoided in front of him had become something very common in itself now. While Nandini. A simple sober name churned his stomach. This name turned his world upside down now.
It didn't matter to him, what happened in past was actually past for him now. He had started forgetting the two year old pain not only when Nandini was around but also when she was not. Coz her thoughts never left his mind. Her thoughts did not let him think of anything else.
He was ready before time for the first time in forever. Every one was stunned.
Nyonika:bache tum thik ho na.. Manik:Yaah.. Why do you ask..
Nyonika:ab.. The person who gets up not before 9 is up at 6 today.. Toh there's definitely something isn't it..
Manik:its nothing like that..
Nyonika:ok then you sit I'll get the breakfast.
She went in the kitchen to get breakfast.
Nyonika:i just hope usse aaj ke baare kuchh yaad na ho.. He is so happy.. He is smiling.. I don't want this smile to vanish..
She muttered as she got the breakfast tray.
Nyonika:Manik.. I have to come to college today.. Will you drive me..
Manik:sure.. But suddenly..?
Nyonika:actually we are planning to keep a concert.. It'll be a good chance for all of you.. I mean you'll have a bang at the concert while the juniors along with enjoying your performance can showcase their talents officially.. And this event shall be covered by media..
Manik:mmm..good idea..

Later in S.P.A.C.E
Nandini walked in the college and straight to the auditorium as everybody had been messaged of the same.
Nyonika:soo.. Good morning students..
She greeted everyone just as Nandini entered.
She glanced through the crowd and saw Fab5 standing near the stage and then she spotted Navya and Aryaman in the middle of the crowd. She got in and tore through the crowd and reached both of them..
Aryaman:kaha thi..
Navya:humne kitne calls kiye..
Nandini checked for her phone in her bag. It was on silent.
Nandini:Sorry vo phone silent pe tha..
Nyonika:ok so i know all of you are eager to know why we have called you here.. People we have an event coming up.. Its almost like a concert but a competitive one.. All of our beautiful singers and musicians can perform either solo or in groups.. I would prefer you come in groups..
Bur.. But.. But.. It's not a direct entry to the concert.. The bands and the performers have to give their auditions.. So give your names to Raghav sir.. That goes for all my seniors as well..
She glanced at Fab5 and Manik looked at her angrily.
Navya:hum teeno.. Group..
Aryaman and Nandini:good idea..
They said as they all dispersed out of the audi
Aryaman: but what about bhai.. And by the way where Is he..
Just then young handsome boy with cute features walked towards them..
Boy:yrr I looked for you all around..
Aryaman:bhai.. Vo hum audi mein the.. By the way guyzz he is Abhimanyu khurana.. My sweet bro..
He teased him.
Nandini:Abhimanyu Khurana..
She murmured.
Abhimanyu:excuse me..
Nandini:naah nothing.. Hi I'm Nandini.. Nandini Murthy from Mangalore..
Navya:hum.. Navya Naveli from Patna..
Abhimanyu:nice meeting you..
Aryaman:wait.. Nandini.. Mangalore..
Aryaman:what a coincidence.. Bhai was there as well.. But he lived in some Gurukul..
Nandini:even I was in Gurukul..
Abhimanyu:Arey guyzz chill.. I was there when i was 13 and then i came back here..
Aryaman:but aap bta rhe the Gurukul ke owner se mile the..
Abhimanyu:Aryaman.. Some respect.. She is elder to you.. And for you she is Sharda mam..
Nandini's eyes widened.
Nandini:sorry.. Come again.. Whats her name..
Abhimanyu:Sharda.. Umm surname yaad nahi...
Nandini:that's my amms ka naam.. And she also owns a Gurukul..
The chaos was turning even more confusing. Just then Fab5 walked past them and Manik noticed all of the four including Nandini. He couldn't stand Aryaman so close to Nandini. He looked straight and walked away while Nandini was still trying to untangle the strings.
Abhimanyu:Amms.. You mean.. Sharda ma.. Are you.. Damn.. Nanduu..
Aryaman Navya looked at Abhimanyu and Nandini wierdly. While Nandini herself was confused. But as far as she remembered there was only one guy who used to call her amms as ma.. And that was her Abhi bhai.. Nandini now untangled every string.. Things became clear..
Nandini:Abhi bhai..
Abhi bhai a.k.a Abhimanyu was an old friend or rather an elder brother to Nandini and Rishabh. He stayed in the same Gurukul with them till he was 13. He loved music and he had been staying there to learn music. He was the one who spent most of his time with them only.. Though he always teased Nandini but he loved her alot as a sister too.
With time the old memories had started fading but once again their past came in front of each other and they were happy..
They explained everything to Navya and Aryaman. While they walked towards the canteen.
Nandini:bhai.. Aap humare group mein aao.. We'll sing together..
Aryaman and Navya:haan.. Come we'll have fun..
They had reached the canteen and were about to sit down on a table when Nandini got a message :I need to see you.. Now:
It was Manik. She immediately looked around and found fab5 sitting on their table. Manik was staring right at her. She smiled and nodded her head.
Nandini:guys.. I'll be back in a while..
She excused herself while Manik moved out of his table.
Till now there was another pair of eyes that had been staring at Nandini's table. CABIR. He looked at Navya who seemed to enjoy the company of the two new guyz alot. She was laughing.
Giggling.. And talking merrily with them..
Cabir:why do I care..
He murmured as he felt a discomfort in watching her with those two..
Cabir:let this Madhubala do whatever she wants..
He said and tried to looked away but his eyes ditched him.. Everytime they got stuck on her only..
Cabir:Cabiraa.. Stop staring at her.. Apna kaam kar..
He said trying to divert his mind. But alas today his mind was being controlled by his heart.

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