Girls' Bestfriends!!

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It was already post midnight. Nandini lay on her bed with Navya beside her but maybe her sleep was on its way from moon. Nandini wasn't sleeping she just tossed on the bed making sure Navya's sleep doesn't get disturbed. Nandini was excited for the trip. She didn't know how to express herself and to whom. Nandini sat up straight on her bed out of restlessness and looked around the room aimlessly. She was about to get off the bed when her phone beeped.
She checked her phone to find a message.
:so how's it.. :
It was Manik's message but was he up so late at night. Nandini smiled broadly as she got someone to talk to but was worried about why he was still up.
:awesome.. Everyone agreed.. :
She texted back. She wanted to run to him jump and express her excitement to him now that she knew that he was still awake.
:i know.. :-):
:how..?:'re still up.. At this hour.. You don't have any other reason to keep awake.. Except for your excitement... :
Nandini was amazed that he knew that what she felt. But wait did he just write NANDU. She glanced back at the message and a huge smile spread on her face.
:achha.. So Mr. Malhotra.. Why are you up so late.. :
:i mostly don't sleep at nights.. I sleep nearly early morning and then till late in the day. :
:haww.. That's not the way.. You sleep abhi.. Right now.. And let me sleep as well.. :
:i am not sleepy.. :
Nandini looked at the message and then thought for a second. In seconds she got a solution to it. She searched through her music files in the phone and finally found her amms' lullaby that she used to sing for Nandini to sleep. Nandini had recently recorded it again in her own voice. She attached it to her message and then sent it to Manik.
:here.. Listen to this.. And you'll definitely sleep:
On the other side Manik read her message after he received the attachment and smiled. He put earplugs to his ears and started the audio. He had recognized Nandini's voice and wanted to listen to the whole song but alas Nandini was right. He slept in minutes as the song was very soft and soothing and her vouce a top up to all.

Next morning Mukti texted Nandini and Navya to ask if they got to know about the trip and Nandini told her that Manik had told them everything and even Abhi and Arya were ready..
Mukti was more than happy. She now wanted to jump and scream. Her excitement and happiness had crossed all bounds. Calming herself down he texted everyone to reach Manik's place by 12 to discuss about everything. She casually told Nandini to get the other two guys along but on the inside her heart was jumping.

It was 11:30 when Nandini dropped Navya back at the hostel and went straight to Manik's place.
She entered his house only to find it calm and quiet. She remembered how Manik had not responded to any messages since the morning. She asked the servants about him and they said he was still in his room.
Nandini looked at the watch and it was 11:40. She hurried to his room before the rest of the people came.
She walked into his room only to find him sleeping on the couch with earplugs in his ears and his phone lying down. She smiled as she could imagine what happened last night.
She went and sat beside manik and slowly took out the earplugs from his ears and kept them aside. She then turned towards him and ruffled his hair.
Manik moved closer on feeling the familiar touch. Nandini though smiled at his response but was scared as he could fall if he moved any closer.
Manik:hnmmm.. Tumhari aawaaz sapne mein bhi bhot sweet hai..
He murmur. Nandini was taken aback at first. But then smiled at his cute antics.
Nandini:don't call it a dream.. Coz they vanish when you open your eyes..
Nandini:cmon utho.. Sab aane vaale hai.. Agar nhi uthoge toh phir PaNi daalna padega..
Manik was hearing it all but thought of it as his dream but when he heard about the cold water splashing he instantly opened his eyes and sat up straight with a jerk. Nandini moved back smiling. Manik looked at her.
Manik:i wasn't dreaming..
Nandini:nhi.. Koi dream nhi tha.. Chalo utho.. Fab5.. Navya.. Aryaman and Abhi sab aane vaale hai.. Go get up and get ready..
Manik:what?? They are coming her but kyun...
Nandini:i don't know Mukti said she wanted to discuss something..
Manik:uhh.. Subha subha..
Nandini:Manikk! Subha.. Time dekho.. It.. 11:57!!cmon they can be here any minute.. I m waiting down. Get ready and come..
Nandini commanded and wemt out. While our sleepy Manik lazily got up and dragged himself to the washroom.

Downstairs Nandini was sitting on the sofa when Navya and Fab5 entered. As Nandini had already told Navya that she'll straight come to Manik's so Navya went and silently sat near Nandini.
All of them settled and waited for Manik and Abhi and Arya..
Just as Manik walked down from his room Nandini got a call and excused herself. Manik settled on the couch and looked at Mukti.
Manik:soo.. Whats the plan..
Mukti:the plan is..
Mukti had started when Nandini came in a hurry.
Dhruv:what happened Nandini..
Nandini:i forgot.. To give.. Abhi and Aryaman the address..
She said in a heavy breath. Everybody looked at each other and then burst out laughing except for Nandini. She didn't understand.
Cabir:it's ok.. I'll talk to them..
Cabir took their numbers and went out while everyone waited.
Manik looked at Nandini who was again busy doing something on her phone. He knew that it was something she didn't want anyone to know but he being the curious soul that he had to know what it was.
Cabir came back in a while followed by the two brothers. Nandini instantly kept her phone down as Mukti began.
Mukti:hey.. Hi. Come..
She greeted them too sweetly for anyone to digest.
Mukti:soo guyss the plan is that hum girls.. Are going for shopping and you guyss are looking after the arrangements for tomorrow.. I hope i am clear to all..
Mukti commanded and the girls squealed at the word of shopping..
Dhruv:Mukti.. Shopping!!
Aliya:you have some problem... She glared at him and smirked..
Dhruv:naah.. Hiw can I have any problem go ahead..
He said and Aliya smiled at him.
Cabir:maine kaha tha.. Ladkiyon ko last moment pe hi btana chahi about any trip..
Manik and Aryaman:seriously shopping..
Manik:it's so boring..
Mukti:Manik please tujhe toh sab hi boring lagta hai.. And vaise bhi hum tumhe thorhi na leke jaa rhe hai.. Tum arrangements karo..
Abhi:Shopping.. Girls' Bestfriends.. I tell you..
Cabir:i know.. They can even dump their boyfriends for that matter..
All the girls stared at him and Mukti threw a pillow at Cabir but she missed the target and it hit straight at Abhi who was sitting next to Cabir.
Mukti instantly looked away pretending to be innocent and Abhi couldn't help but smile..
Nandini noticed all but tried to divert the topic..
She screamed gathering everyone's attention.
Nandini noticed everyone staring at her:kya.. Its already 1..and we have a lot to shop cmon..
Navya looked at the watch and the girls jumped to their feet.
All girls:okk bye..
Mukti:We gotta go.. Arrange everything before we return..
Boys:ji maam..
The girls smiled and left while the boys began discussing about how to proceed.
It was finally decided that they'll take a small bus and Cabir would arrange it. Abhi and Aryaman would take care of the food. And Manik and Dhruv would take care of the entertainment for the journey and also bookings in Goa. The time all of them spent together helped them get comfortable with each other and guyzz being the friendliest creatures on the planet became very comfortable. Abhi and aryaman enjoyed their company and so did they.

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