Manik Is Changing

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The journey ought to end and your destination has to come once you're in your own beautiful world, not knowing how the time passed, when you speak all the unspoken words even when  you don't utter a thing. The distance gets covered when your eyes are lost in another beautiful sphere.
The driver had got all of them back to Mumbai at a time earlier than expected. He had taken all the possibly undiscovered shortcuts, which they had not taken while they headed to Goa five days back.
The early arrival was a surprise to all but disappointment to the two, who were lost in each other's arms all through the journey while the others slept behind them.
The driver halted the mini bus in front of Malhotra Mansion and Manik and Nandini straightened back in their seats.
Nandini got down followed Fab5 Navya Aryaman and Abhimanyu. Manik:Umm.. Nandini.. Come I'll drop you back home..
Aryaman:i guess.. Manik you guys relax.. We have our car parked here so we shall drop Nandini and Navya both.
Nandini looked at Manik. She definitely did not want to go but they didn't have any excuse to escape the early seperation. Manik glared at Aryaman. He had punched him more than a thousand times in his mind.
Manik's POV.
This Aryaman is getting on my nerves.. I swear he'll ho missing someday and no one will ever be able to find him.. Why is he being such a pain. He is seriously calling it for himself.
Ab agar yeh Nandini ke peeche pada toh I'm gonna kill him right here. Nandini.. Mana karo soch kya rhi ho.. What the hell..
POV ended.
Manik looked here and there getting restless. He had no valid excuse to give to get Nandini along with him.
Abhi:aah.. Arya.. Nhi.. I just remembered I've got some work so we need to go back home early.. I cannot afford to drop both of them it'll get late.. Manik better hoga if you drop both the girls..
Manik smiled and Nandini gave a watery expression though on the inside she wanted to jump.
Abhi dragged Aryaman out from there before he could say anything more.
Nandini's POV.
Abhi.. You're such a saviour.. Agar aaj Abhi nhi rokta toh i won't have got this extra time with Manik.. I know I am sounding silly to wish to stay with him longer.. But.. I guess.. I was right.. We are not just friends.. I love being with him.. Even when we don't talk his mere presence around me gives me some kind of assurance. Manik.. I really don't know what it is.. Love.. Maybe.. I don't know.. But I definitely know we're not just friends.. Just friends doesn't feel like this.. I love it when you take me in your arms. Your deep chocolaty eyes when bury in mine i feel like the whole world stops..  But.. What if he doesn't feel the same..I mean what if all this is casual for him.. Aiyappa.. Where am i getting myself into..
POV ended. 
Manik:fine.. Girls give me a minute..
He said and went inside his house to take his car keys.
He was out in less than a minute getting Cabir and Dhruv to smile cheekily.
Dhruv's POV
Just look at him.. He is behaving like some live struck romeo.. I mean anybody can tell that his hard rock has fallen in love.. Buddy ab toh maan jaa.. Kab tak bhaagega.. You love Nandini.. She changed you.. She changed a hard rock into an icy glacier that melts with the heat of love.. Give us a chance to say that The Manik Malhotra has fallen in love and this time its forever.. Hamesha.. Coz its the purity and love in her eyes that clearly tells that she won't leave you alone in the middle of your life.
Manik you've finally reached your destination and its clearly her.. She just the one we wanted for you.. And the one you needed since forever.. Just accept it.. Confess it buddy..
POV ended.
Dhruv smiled as he saw Manik the door of the passenger seat for Nandini.
Alya:Dhruv.. Doesn't it look like Manik is changed. He has started behaving softly just as he used to two years back.. I guess our old Manik is back.. I missed him so much..
Dhruv hnmmed. He knew everyone was noticing the changes.
Dhruv:Cabiraa.. Its high time.. Manik needs to face it.. He needs to accept that he Loves Nandini.. And you know he won't do it on his own..
He whispered to Cabir who nodded in response.
Cabir:we need to do something.. Kuchh aisa jisse Manik ki dimaag ka fused bulb jale.. Kuchh khurafaati..
He rubbed his palms naughtily as Manik drove off with the two girls and Fab4 walked into the empty Malhotra Mansion.
Mukti:guyzz.. Manik.. Our Manik is back.. Mai kabse tumse yeh baat karna chaah rhi thi.. He has changed.. Vo phirse vhi humara sweet Manik banne laga hai.. Bit suddenly.. I guess now that we completely uprooted Vidhi from his life.. He is getting his life back on tracks.
Csbir nodded though he knew it wasn't because of that. The clear reason for Manik's changes was Nandini but he chose to keep shut till Manik himself accepts it and tells everyone. Cabir knew that he had to get Manik to do that cz if he left it to Manik he won't in the next seven births also accept thr the fact that he loves Nandini.
Alya and Dhruv:Uprooted Vidhi..? Guyzz what's the scene.. There's something we don't know?
Mukti and Cabir chuckled. They  narrated all the incidents and their plans to them while both of them gaped at them.

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