Perfect Moment!

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"Nandini let's go in!"that's it. That's what he said after i told him that i loved him. Was love.. This word really loosing its meaning? Did it not sound true enough that he could believe me?Did he really not take in what i said or he thought i was joking. But for that moment his heart beats had increased alot. What did that mean.?
Right now i was in my room, on my bed, in the blanket wrapped up just like we were in the morning the only difference was that he wasn't there. I stared at the designed ceiling above and realized how plain my confession was. But i wasn't in a condition to decorate my words with beautiful quotes. I was just scared. Scared of loosing him. My love.. Which only seemed one sided now.
It was evening already and the rain ceased to drizzles the best time to go to the beaches. It's been a record that rains have got me only bad time. Last time it had rained i had seen him going away from me with Vidhi in his arms where he didn't even give me a second look but carried her straight back to the hotel.
Everyone including him, i suppose, had left for beach except for me because i was again in the tiffs of sneezes. Nobody wanted to go without me but they had already cancelled their plans last night and i couldn't let them do that today too.
Rey had come to me before leaving. He scolded me at first but then said something i couldn't understand.
"we would be back by late night.. As Manik mentioned there's some club and pub near the beach. And you know how much we're missing partying.. Hum dinner kar lenge.. And i am sure tu bhi karegi.."he had said and then fumbled,"i mean karna toh tujhe hai hi medicine leni hai.. We will enjoy don't worry.. You would too.."he had said the last part alot slower yet Nandini Murthy had sharp ears. Though i did not show it that i had heard it. I just smiled and he left.
But Manik.. He did not turn up even for once. He didn't stay with me but didn't even care to inform me and meet me before going. How can i blame him. I just abruptly told him that i loved him. How was he suppose to comprehend it. And what if he didn't feel the way i did. What if he didn't want to hurt and so he said nothing. But if he did not feel for me then whatever happened to those sweet nothings, those cozy moments, his sugar-coated talks. Was it just for fun?Was love getting just as hollow as Yoshika said? And most importantly did he actually liked Ahaana more?
I was getting irritated with all those thoughts that did nothing but only broke my heart into zillions and zillions pieces. I was sweating already even though the Air conditioners were at quite low temperature. Even the weather outside was nippy. I pushed the blanket off me and just as my warm body came in contact with the chilly temperature of my room i sneezed. Twice. Thrice. Ouch. Fourth. Enough. Fifth. No. I stopped. Uhh.. This was something i was hating to bits. What worst could you ask for than a broken heart, and a sneezing nose.
It was already dark. I went to the washroom to get fresh and get out of the sick mode. I had to prepare myself some dinner too. Who else would do that afterall there was nobody at home. Should i be regretting my decision to confess to Manik. Maybe i should because he hadn't spoken to me after that but actually i didn't. Infact I felt alot lighter. It was like a secret churning my insides.
I came out of the washroom with a towel covering my face and wiping away the water.
I kept the towel on the bed and was about to turn away towards the balcony when i say something as white as snow peeking out of the blanket. From the side where i was sleeping. I moved towards it and removed the blanket only to get surprised.

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