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That evening passed with some shattered hearts yet the fake happiness. There was alot of chit chats after which the dinner was done and all resumed back to the room.
But again Nandini had lost her sleep on the beach itself. Since her parents died she mostly never had a peaceful sleep but in Mangalore she had her amms but since the time she has been in Mumbai almost each and every night has been sleepless for her. And this was yet another one.
It was 3 in the midnight but Nandini wasn't sleeping. She stood in the balcony of her room gazing at the cloudy sky. The rain had stopped but the dark clouds were still there and so was her sadness. She did want to know who that girl was and how did she know Manik but couldn't force him to tell her. She wondered if she was Vidhi because of the way he behaved that evening.
Nandini:aiyappa.. Why do things come my way like this...
She spoke in the silence of the night and only got some thunder and lightning from the dark sky as her reply.
She went back to her bed and took her phone. She opened a folder written LIFE:UNPREDICTABLE.
it was sort of her personal diary. The times that she felt unusual could be extremely happy or sad or however she felt she used to type down in the folder. She did it since forever.
She furiously typed something while tears made their way out of her eyes. She sobbed, she typed, she smiled and then cried. This continued for a half an hour and then she kept her phone on the side table. She got down from her bed and tiptoed out of the room. She walked aimlessly in the corridors and then down the stairs and into the garden.
The grass was still wet and the leaves of the flowers were still moist just like her eyes. The rain had stopped but its effects were not over. The cool breeze that touched her skin brought shivers to her.
She roamed around clueless about her whereabouts. She was physically there but her mind was still lost. But why?
She shouldn't be thinking so much right after all he is just a.. Friend.. Maybe..
Nandini:relax Nandu.. Enough of crying cheer up.. Its his life and he knows how to handle it..
She blabbered.
Nandini:you only told him right that you'll listen whenever he wants you to.. Toh bas.. Enjoy.. You are here to enjoy..
She seemed to be convincing herself of something that her heart didn't want to agree to. But she was firm. She had decided that it won't affect her and she'll be happy..
Manipulative Mind games afterall..
Nandini walked back to her room and finally forced herself to sleep.
The next morning everyone was ready again but they planned to stay nearby only. Being their second day in Goa they had alot of time.
Dhruv and Alya excused themselves for some lone time while the others teased them.
The rest of them decided to go to the club.
Manik all this while kept noticing Nandini. She was happily chatting with everyone even him. Nobody could know what was going in her. Not even Manik this time.
All of them took their seats on the table in front of the entrance of the club.
The Dj began playing songs. Grabbing the opportunity Abhi asked Mukti for a dance and Aryaman asked Nandini for a dance and she happily agreed. They left the table and got to the dance floor leaving a fuming Manik behind. He hated the way Aryaman held her by her waist as they danced softly.
Navya sat back and dug into her phone while Cabir smirked at Manik. But Cabir's happiness was also short-lived.
Aryaman came back to the table and took along Navya to the dance floor. Manik smiled evilly.
Cabir to himself:ek se mann nhi bhara.. Dono le gya..
Manik:something's burning..
Manik teased but Cabir didn't respond and went to the dance floor. While Aryaman danced with Navya, Cabir took Nandini for a dance and again the tables turned to Manik.
He was about to get up when he felt a pair of hands softly sliding down his shoulder and then wrapped arounf his neck.
He heard a soft whisper right in his ear.
To his luck nobody had noticed it. He immediately sprang to his feet and turned around. The arms were still around his neck. It was the same girl from the previous evening. But she wasn't drunk. Not at all. Then why was she doing this.
Manik:what are you doing..
He said as she tightened her grip and came closer.
Girl:i missed you so much..
Manik:shut up.. And listen.. Get off me..
Manik struggled to her off him but she seemed firm.
Girl:cmon! I know you missed me too..
She came even closer leaving only inches between them. While Manik was struggling to free himself he felt a tap on his shoulder. He tilted his head to see Mukti standing there with a Whats-going-on expression. She moved a little further to have clearer look at the person in front of Manik.
Mukti was shocked at what she saw. The face she saw was enough in itself to noil her anger. She forcefully unwrapped the girl's arms from around Manik and pushed her back.
Just as the girl uttered her name she landed a tight slap on her face grabbing everyone's attention.
Cabir and Nandini looked at each other and then at the scenario in front. All the five left the stage and were by Manik and Mukti's side. Nandini was shocked to see the same girl again but why did Mukti slap her.?
Cabir was in deeper shock and even his anger knew no bounds.
Cabir:ab kya bacha hai jisse khatam karne aayi ho..
Mukti:what do you think of yourself.. How dare you touch him..
Girl:Manik.. I really..
Mukti:don't you dare utter that crap.. Uss din maine sirf thappad maara tha coz we had a broken heart jise humari zarurat thi but aaj.. I seriously don't know what I can do to you..
Nandini stood behind Manik totally shocked. She didn't know what was happening.
Mukti:look ms. Vidhi Singhania.. Tum hume tab bhi pasand nhi thi aur aaj toh bilkul bhi nhi ho.. So before i kill you just get lost..
Nandini whispered to herself:Vidhi Singhania..
Manik and Nandini stood there numb. None of them knew how to react. Manik tried to locate Nandini around in the crowd unknown that she was right behind him.
Vidhi:Mukti... Don't create a scene please.. We can sit and talk..
Cabir:sit and talk.. Seriously Vidhi.. Whats there to talk about now.. Do you even remember what you had done..
Vidhi:guyzz i remember everything.. And i also know that leaving Manik was the biggest mistake of my life... Manik.. I am really sorry for what I did to you..
Manik stood there numb. But Nandini was getting infuriated with every word that Vidhi spoke.
Nandini:wow.. I mean.. Its so easy right.. Hurt someone.. Break someone.. Shatter them into pieces and leave them on themselves.. Afterall they need to move on.
She finally unable to keep herself calm said in a loud voice. Manik turned to find an angry Nandini.
Everyone looked at her blankly. Except Cabir and Manik nobody knew that she knew everything.
Vidhi:listen.. You need to keep out of it.. You don't even know whats it about.. And by the way who are you to interrupt us.. Stay away you useless..
Manik:mind your words.. Don't you dare.. Enough of your nonsense..
Vidhi:i really love you.. I know i was wrong to leave you like that but I've realised my mistake.. Just give me one chance.. I'll prove it to you that I really love you..
Nandini:love can never be proven.. Its showered.. Its the most purest feeling.. But people like you don't even deserve to take that word out of your mouth..
Vidhi:I told you to shut up.. Tum jaanti kya ho.. Humare baare mein.. Manik tell her to stay away..
Mukti:Vidhi.. Its not her who needs to shut up.. Tum yha se jao..
Cabir:and don't ever cross our paths even by mistake..
Vidhi:guyzz.. Listen to me.. Cant we forget what happened two years back.. Lets start a fresh..
Manik:thats what I'm doing..
He said and looked at Nandini.
Vidhi:Manik.. You can't move on like this.. I still love you..
Manik:Vidhi.. Jis Manik se tumhe maafi chahiye vo Manik is dead.. That very day when you left him.. Alone.. Shattered to deal with his sadness alone..
Mukti:listen to me loud and clear.. Uss time humari priority humara dost tha.. Lekin aaj vo strong hai.. Aur uske saath hum hai.. But if you try to come in his life toh.. We're gonna destroy you Vidhi Singhania.. Agar you come back ever again then our first priority will be to destroy you just the way you destroyed our friend's life..
Cabir:mark our words.. You'll be finished.. Jo tumne Manik ke saath kiya tha.. Usse kahi zaada bura hoga tumhare saath.. We'll make your life hell..
Vidhi:Manik please.. Atleast listen to me.. Look at me..
She tried to come closer to Manik but Nandini came and stood in front of him.
Nandini:back off..
Manik looked at her boldness and was dumbstruck..
Vidhi was frustrated to the core. She pushed Nandini hard but before she could fall a pair of strong arms held her by the waist and made her stand. She looked up only to find anger filled eyes of Manik. He held her tight till she stood stably.
He went towards Vidhi after making her stand and in no time another slap landed on her face.
Manik:don't you dare do that again.. You've hurt me enough.. But you don't even try to hurt her or any of my friends..
Vidhi:Manik.. You slapped me for her.. Is she more imp than me.. Manik you used to love me so much.. How could you slap me for a girl like her..
Manik:i did it for a girl like her because she is hard to find.. Yes she is more important to me than you.. I used to love you and that was my biggest mistake.. A girl like her.. Values my happiness, my tears.. My pain.. My hurt.. She values everything that you can't even think of.. When anyone's hurt she cries.. Even if she is hurt she keeps everyone happy.. But.. You.. You won't understand it.. Because to understand a soul as pure as her you need to be soft.. She has a golden heart.. And you black.. You know what.. If i smile today.. Its only because of her.. After you left me i closed myself in a shell.. My life had become dark.. I used to pretend to be happy.. But i learnt to be happy after i met her.. Vidhi just get lost.. Before i lose anymore of myself.  And remember stay away from us.. Else this time i'll definitely make your life hell.
Vidhi glanced angrily at a shocked Nandini and then left. Manik looked at Nandini and then all of them around and finally frustratedly walked out leaving everyone shocked and scared. They had never witnessed this side of him especially Nandini. She was totally numb after Manik slapped Vidhi. She had never imagined that this monster was so monstrous.
All of the others left the club as well.

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