You're Just An Outsider!!

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The performances ended and it was time for results. There was nervousness and tension in the atmosphere.
Nyonika and the judge came up the stage to announce the results. Nyonika had a worried expression on her face. There was something going on in her head. She tried stealing glances at Manik and saw that even he was disturbed. She knew it. Afterall its again the same night and things were going just the way.
Judje:so finally all the performances were really great. And i must say choosing the best among the best is a task equal to climbing Mt. Everest.
He paused for a second and continued.
Judge:this college is one of the most prestigious college im Mumbai not only because of its rich cultures and the people who own it but because of the wonderful students.
Manik couldn't take it anymore. He was getting restless. He wanted to go.
Judge:I very well know that winner is always one but today we need to say that there are two winners.
'winners' Manik said sarcastically and closed his eyes.
Judge:one who is the soul of this college.
Crowd:Fab5 Fab5
The crowd cheered uncontrollably. But Manik. His anger increased. He wanted to smack the faces who cheered for them.
Even Fab5 was worried now.
Judge:and the other who has now become the heart of this college.
The crowd calmed. They were confused.
This was it. Manik got up. He never wanted to reach at this point again. He made some lame excuse, which didn't convince the Fab5 especially Cabir, and left. His sudden dispersal didn't go unnoticed by anyone present there not even by Nyonika.
She wanted to go to him to talk could not gather the courage.
Fab4 were worried for him coz they knew he would never to land there again. Cabir immediately decided to follow him and moved out.
Cabir was in the corridor searching for Manik when a hand tapped on his shoulder. He turned around expecting it to be Manik but no.
Nandini:Cabir.. Why did he leave like this..??
Cabir looked here and there to avoid answering her but she was firm..
Nandini:Cabir.. Tell me.. Please.. What's the reason that he behaves like this..
Cabir:Nandini.. I respect your concern... But I'm no one to tell you that..
Cabir:look Nandini.. I know you're concerned for him.. And he needs it too but.. That doesn't mean I open up his life like a book in front of you.. If you really want to know go ask him.. And if he trusts you.. He'll tell you himself..
Cabir said and turned to leave but Nandini stopped him again.
Nandini:Cabir.. Can I go to him.. Please..
Cabir:Nandini.. It's not the right time.. He is disturbed right now.. He might get angry if you nudge him.. And in that case he might even harm you.
Cabir:No..Nandini.. U can't take risk.. Look.. If i go.. He'll be able to open up about whats disturbing him.. But in front of you.. He might just get more angry..
Nandini hung her head low and started moving back.

Sometime later in jam room:
Manik was sitting in the chair with his guitar in his hands. He played it hard. The tune of the guitar also seewlike asking for merci but Manik was totally lost. He felt broken on the inside. He kept playing until he broke two strings if the guitar and hurt his own fingers.
Manik in anger threw the guitar in the floor and screamed "it hurts damn it.. It hurts.. But who cares!!"
Just then he heard a click on the door and then the door opened.
Manik:I don't wanna win..i don't wanna win this..
Manik said it out loud without turning for the person on the door to hear it.
Person:why Manik??
He turned around on hearing her voice.
Nandini walked back to the backstage and sat beside Navya.
On the other side Cabir was about to go ahead to find Manik when Dhruv came in his way.
Dhruv:kya kar rha hai..?
Cabir:Manik ko dhund rha hun.. Btaya toh tha.. Pta nhi kaha gya.. I hope he is fine..
Dhruv:Cabir.. Maine suna.. Tunne Nandini ko uske paas jaane se kyu roka..
Cabir:Dhruv.. Have you lost it.. Tunne dekha tha na Manik waha se kaise nikla tha.. And you want me to allow her to go to him..
Cabir:but.. Kyun.. If she goes there he is definitely gonna get more angry.. And what if he hurts her...
Dhruv:he wont..afterall he..
Cabir:Dhruv.. Have you forgotten.. Manik reacts first and later thinks... Vo Nandini ko dekhega aur apna saara frustration uspe nikal dega.. Though i know he can never even in his dream would want to hurt her.. But he is not in control right now.. And he can hurt her.. That would do nothing but another add on to his guilt and frustration.. Because hurting 'Nandini' would be the last thing he would wanna do..
Dhruv:exactly.. Cabir.. And Nandini will handle it.. Just send her once.. And see the magic.
Cabir:you're taking a huge risk Dhruv.. It can even destroy their just ment relation.
Dhruv:kuchh nhi hoga Cabir.. Aur baba Cabir aap kabse itna negative sochne lage.. Dhruv smirked and dialed Nandini's number..
She picked it up in two rings.
Nandini:hello Dhruv..Where's's he..??
She asked as soon as she picked up..
Dhruv:Nandini we need your help.. Bahar aao please..
He said i a soft voice.
Nandini was out in no time. She looked around for Manik but he was not there. She looked back at them with a questioning look.
Dhruv:we couldn't find him.. And i and Cabir have got something important..
Nandini:Dhruv.. Are you alright.. Whats more important than your friend right now.. That too when you don't even know where he is and how he is..
Dhruv:that is why we've called you.. And has the judge announced the winners..
Nandini:no he us giving some lectures on the importance of music. But what help can I give you..
Dhruv:go and find him and try to talk to him.. Get him back..
Dhruv said the last line even more softly. Nandini looked at Cabir who reluctantly nodded in a yes.
Nandini:ok.. Il go..
She said and left without a second thought.
Dhruv and cabir started walking in Cabir who didn't want to leave Manik alone with Nandini decided to follow her.
Flashback ends

Manik looked at Nandini as she came forward.
Manik:what are you doing here??
He said and turned.
Nandini:why don't you wanna win the competition..??
Manik:that's not the answer to my question.. What are you doing here..?
Nandini:even that's not the answer to my question Manik..
She said calmly and came closer.
Manik:and why do you think I'll tell you..
He said and turned to her with an angry face.
Just then Cabir reached the jam room but stood outside hiding himself.
Manik:Nandini.. Just get out and leave me alone..
He said harshly. But she didn't instead she came closer and held him by his arm..
Nandini:Manik.. Dont be so hard.. Let it go.. Tell me.. Maybe it'll ease you..
Manik:just get lost Nandini.. Nothing can ease me.. And why should I tell you.. Haan.. Who are you.. Just a girl I met a week and a more back.. Kyu btau mai tumhe kuchh bhi.. So that one fine day you use it against me.. Why do you wanna know Nandini.. Tell me.. Why should I answer you..
Manik clutched her arms tightly hurting her.
Nandini:Manik.. It's hurting..
Manik:I. Dont. Care. A. Damn.. You hear me.. Just leave..
He jerked her away.
Manik:Nandini.. You had only said.. That i should tell you when I feel like..
Nandini:but Manik i can't see you like this..
Even she increased her volume.
Cabir was getting dead scared outside.
Manik:why.. Please dont show me this fake concern.. Just go i said leave..
He pushed her as she tried to coming closer to him and she landed on the floor.
Cabir knew this would happen. He wanted to stop it but couldn't.
She cried in pain as her leg twisted but Manik didn't look at her even for once.
Nandini:Manik.. I thought we were..
Nandini fell silent..
Manik:exactly.. What.. Nandini.. What were we.. Nothing.. You hear me NOTHING.. You are no one to me.. And i ain't telling you anything.. Just get lost from my sight..
He said and turned not knowing what he said leaving a shattered Nandini on the floor. The pain did not hurt her more than his words.
Outside, Cabir so wanted to punch Manik and make him realize what he just did but was stopped by his vibrating cell in his pocket..
He said angrily without looking at the caller.
Dhruv:bro kya hua kaha hai tu.. Listen we had a tie with Nandini's group..
Cabir:expected.. I'll talk to you later..
He said and disconnected without giving him a chance to speak further.
Inside, Nandini was crying badly but still had not given up..
Nandini:Manik.. There's definitely something in you that makes you hollow everytime.. And i still haven't got my answer.. Why don't you wanna win this competition..
Cabir heard this and was shocked at the courage and patience this girl had..
Cabir to himself:Dhruv you were right bro.. Only she can handle him.. Patience.. Salute.. Nandini Murthy..
In the jam room, Nandini looked at Manik.
Manik:listen.. Do not test my patience.. Just go..
Nandini:why cant you tell me..
Manik:because i don't trust you.. Not anyone.. No outsider can come in my life and control it anymore..
Nandini was sure now that there was definitely something in him.
She said out loud for him to hear and tried to get up but could not due to the pain in her leg.
Nandini:aah.. Ouch..
She cried. Manik looked at her silently. He did felt something pinching in him but he was too annoyed to acknowledge it.
Nandini finally managed to stand up and silently walked out still crying. She didn't see Cabir but he saw and understood everything.. He also left behind her leaving Manik alone with his hurt, anger and his questions in that jam room.

Now thats something like a cliffhanger. Any idea why Manik didn't wanna win the competition. Why was he so disturbed. And most importantly where would this fight lead to Manik and Nandini where Manik openly said that Nandini meant nothing more than an outsider in his life..

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