Why Do I?

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Manik took out all his anger and frustration on the accelerators of his car. Manik's car was at a speed where if it hit someone the person could be spot dead.
Manik was going crazy because of Nandini. He could feel a certain connection with this girl. He had never felt something like this before. He wanted to reciprocate, he wanted to apologise to her for all his mistakes, their fights.. Everything that had happened between them. But why? He didn't know.
He didn't want to get into another relationship or rather trap in his words. But could not stay away from her. He wanted to punish her for behaving like this with him and his friends but couldn't.
Manik wanted to get angry on her but her calm face.. Her beautiful smile and her soothing Voice threw all his anger out. He never wanted this.
Manik:i can't afford to fall into it all over again.
He said lowering the car's speed.
Manik:not after what Vidhi did to me. I do not want to fall into another trap.
He said while tears started rolling down his cheeks on remembering the two years old turn if events.
Manik:Manik Malhotra cannot face another failure in his life.. Noo.. Not this time..
He said and put the car to hault. He closed his eyes but again her face flashed in front of him. He didn't want to think about her but his mind could not go ahead of her.
Manik:why do I feel soo attached to her.. Her tears.. Why does it affect me so much.. Why does she affect me so much..
Manik started becoming restless. He couldn't get the answers to his questions.
Two years back Manik had decided that he would never ever fall in love again. Then what was this. His restlessness. His anger for Nandini. All these questions irritated him more.
Manik:why did Vidhi do that to me.. Why did she ever come in my life.. Had she not come I wouldn't have been stuck on these questions. He sai while he looked at the evening sun setting. Manik:i hope with this sunset all my fears..questions.. Frustrations set aside.
Manik:they say the sunset gives way to the beautiful sunrise.. But meri life the sun had set long time ago and that too forever.. There can be no sunrise in my life... Only dark.. Then why so many questions.. Why this false hope of a new morning.. Why do i feel some kind of bond with Nandini.. Why do i feel so captivated by Nandini and her voice.. What's wrong with me..why do I always try to run away from her..
Manik could not find any of his answers there. But little did the poor soul know that he would soon get all his answers. He just needed to give himself sometime.. To accept things. To recreate things.
Manik finally wiped his tears and started driving back home.

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