A Night Through Tears(B)

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It was hard.. hard for Nandini to sleep that night. Whenever she closed her eyes his tears and his his swollen eyes flashed in front of her.
Nandini:i knew he was hollow inside but today I got to know that he had nothing left in him.. He is empty.. Broken.. Shattered.. How can someone be so ruthless.. How could someone leave a person like him.. He loved her so much..
Nandini muttered as she laid on her bed with tears rolling down her eyes. She had alot of questions which she wanted to ask him. But didn't know when and how. His tears made her cry but why. Everyone has a past then why does his past hurt her so much. And why was he hurt to know her past. Why do they feel connected.
Nandini was clueless. She didn't know the answers. She wanted to talk to someone but it was only dark and silence around her. No one was there to listen to her doubts and questions. Her confused fickle mind needed rest but her heart was restless.
She again walked out of the room but this time went down and straight into the garden. She didn't want to disturb Manik.
She silently sat on the swing in their garden and looked at the stars as if trying to find answers to her questions.
Nandini:does..does he still love her.. Will he go to her if she comes back..
She said abit loud and was more than shocked when she got a reply. A strict No was what the voice said.
Nandini turned to find Manik there again but what she remembered was that she had made him sleep.
Nandini:tum toh.. You had slept..
She looked at him in confusion.
Manik:I couldn't.. I was up after you left..
Nandini:Manik.. Go and sleep.. You need rest.. Its already very late..
Manik:aa.. Its late.. So i should sleep.. Right.. You an owl or what?
Nandini looked at him confused.
Manik:haan.. Now you tell me.. You sitting alone in the dark under the moon.. Talking to yourself..
He smiled but he knew that she was sad.
Nandini didn't reply and silently sat back on the swing followed by Manik. He sat next to her.
Manik:Nandini.. Just forget what I told you..
Nandini didn't look at him and remained silent.
Manik:look here..
He said and lifted her face with his index finger.
She was crying.
Manik:hey.. Why are you crying.. I said na.. Just forget it..
Nandini:its not easy Manik.. Did you forget it.. Even after 2 years you remember everything.. Then how do you expect me to forget it.
Manik:Nandini.. I can't forget it because it happened with me..
Nandini:and i can't forget it coz I saw you reliving it..
She looked away. Manik fell silent. He didn't know what to say.. He was amazed at her sensitivity.
A long silence engulfed both of them and what could be heard was the silence of the night with a slight of Nandini's crying.
Manik couldn't bear it. He held Nandini's hand and got up.
Nandini:Manik.. Please leave me alone.. For a while.. Please..
She said softly as she got up.
Manik:did you leave me alone when I was upset.. Not even that day when I hurt you so much..
Nandini:Manik.. Please just..
Nandini just started but was cut in between when Manik pulled her into his embrace. He held her tightly and protectively in his arms. She didn't respond. Manik held her more tightly leaving her no option but to hold him and soon she gave in too. They hugged each other tightly for sometime which felt like eternity. But then Nandini broke the hug, wiped her tears and pulled Manik in the house as it was getting cold. She dragged him upstairs and to his room but he refused to go in.
Manik:are you still angry..
Nandini:are you crazy..
Manik:i had hurt you so much..
Nandini:you had hurt yourself so much..
Manik had no words after hearing her.
Nandini:go and sleep..
Manik:I'm not sleepy..
Nandini:are you an owl..
Manik:nahi.. I'm a night club partyholic.. And i have a habit of sleeping late..
Nandini:Manik its almost 4..kal college bhi jaana hai..
Manik:toh you go and sleep...
Nandini looked at him blankly. She wanted to ask him many things especially the question that was troubling her alot.. Will he go back to her if she realizes her mistake.. but was scared to remind him of everything once again. She turned to leave.
She turned to look at him standing still.
Manik:i.. I wont go back.. To her even she apologizes for everything. Because the broken pieces can be joined but the scars don't disappear. And I won't let her back in my life.. She was past.. And i have stopped living with the past.. I live in present.. My beautiful present..
He smiled at her. She didn't know how to respond but then something clicked her mind and she instantly hugged him and a smile slowly played on both of their faces.
This night which was dark in its beginning with just a moon to shine now had stars twinkling beautifully as if celebrating their happiness.
Manik and Nandini broke apart after long hug and then moved back to their rooms and slept peacefully unknown of the beautiful games being played by nature to symbolise their love.

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