Creamy Mess!

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It was around 12 and everyone had slept but Nandini lay tossing on her bed. There were various things going on in her mind. It was basically more like a battle between the heart and the brain.
Finally letting the heart win she jumped out of her bed grabbed her car keys and rushed downstairs. She leapt into the kitchen grabbed a tiffin that she had secretly packed before going off to bed and sneaked out of the house silently.
Nandini sat in her car and drove out of the drive way and onto the main roads. Thankfully the roads were clear and she reached her destination within ten minutes.
She parked her car in front of the huge mansion but kept sitting in. Nandini:aiyappa i hope koi problem na ho.. Please handle na.. Usse gussa na aaye..
She looked up and joined her hands praying to her aiyappa.
Gathering all her guts she got down her car and moved towards the door of the house with the tiffin in her hands. She looked around and finally rang the bell.
There was no answer for the first time.
Nandini:Nandu..he must be sleeping let's go..
Nandini:or I should.. I mean.. Try again.. Just last time..
And she rang the bell again.
Voice:kaun hai yaar..
Came a sleepy voice from inside.
The door opened with a sleepy Manik leaning on the door with his eyes closed.
Manik:aap kaun.. Kisse milna hai.. Jisse bhi milna hai vo yha nhi rehte goodnight..
Nandini admired him while he blabbered.
Manik slightly opened his eyes and got a partially clear vision of Nandini registered in his brain and then shook his head in a no. In minutes Manik closed the door and stood behind it with frowns on his head.
Manik:was it really her or i was imagining.. Kya Manik.. Tujhe ho kya gya hai..
He muttered still standing leaning on the closed door while outside Nandini stood confused.
Nandini:shayad abhi bhi gussa hai.. Aiyappa..
She said and turned away when the door flung open and in less than milliseconds she was pulled in.
Manik pinned her to the wall beside the doir and examined her closely with his narrowed gaze.
Manik:you are for real.. Or i am dreaming..
Nandini smiled at the thought that he used to dream of her.
Manik:no.. Wait.. Ofcourse you're real.. Why would i Dream of you.. He said before she could speak and her smile faded away.. Why would he not..
Nandini:yes Manik.. I'm for real..
Manik:do you even know what the time is.. Why did you come here..
Nandini:Manik.. Tumse milne ke liye i sneaked out of my house and you're asking me why did i come here.. I'm sorry mr. Malhotra to have disturbed your sleep.. I should leave.. Goodnight..
She pushed him away and moved towards the door but she could reach the handle she was tugged back to the wall.
Manik:you know i didn't mean that..
Nandini looked at him angrily and then moved her gaze everywhere but him.
Manik:i meant.. Ok.. Forget it.. How did you come..
Nandini:Manik.. Ofcourse by car..hato mujhe jaane do..
She said and shifted towards her side but Manik blocked her movements by coming closer to her.
Manik:you know it's not safe at night right..
Nandini looked away trying to avoid his hot breath that was falling on her face as he came closer.
Before he could speak further she stuffed a piece of the creamy cake that she had brought in the tiffin into his mouth and he was left flabbergasted.
Nandini:tumhe nhi khilaya tha.. Isliye.. Aur..
She put bits of the cream on his face.
Nandini:kal raat ko jo tumne mere face pe lagaya tha.. Isliye..
Manik:Nandini.. Mera face..
Manik looked at her angrily while she chuckled.
Nandini pushed him away and ran while he was busy passing angry glares to her.
Manik:Nandini.. Nandini stop..
He chased her while she kept running around. She jumped on the sofas around the dining table and elsewhere while Manik continued trying to catch her. They ran in the whole of the house giggling shouting teasing.
Nandini:Manik! Just forget it.. You can't catch me..
Manik:so you're challenging monster Manik.. Don't you know he can do anything..
Nandini giggled and ran far from him while Manik stopped to think.
Nandini hid herself behind the sofa and then peeped put from top only to find Manik missing.
Nandini:kaha gya..
She muttered and stood up. She was about to move when she felt two strong arms grab her waist.
Manik:mujhe dhund rhi ho..
Nandini turned and Manik locked her arms behind her back in a swift move.
Manik:sshh.. Saaf karo..
Nandini looked at his cream filled face confusedly.
Manik:yhi jo tumne kiya.. Usse.. Clean it off my face.. Now..
Nandini:par Manik!
He said coming closer to her.
Nandini:haath toh chhorho.. Let go off my hands tabhi toh..
Manik smirked as he nodded in a no.
Manik:you thought it'll be that easy.. Ms. Murthy.. Now that's your punishment for messing up my handsome face..
Nandini chuckled:Your.. Handsome sa face.. Manik! You crack good jokes..
Manik narrowed his gaze on her.
Manik:so I'm not handsome..
Nandini:you're a monster..
She said and struggled to get out of his grip but his hold was too strong for her.
Manik:Nandini.. You know it's of no use..
Nandini looked at him irritatedly and he smirked coming closer to her while she stepped back.
Manik:fine.. I'll do it myself.
He said and leaned more towards her face while she closed her eyes sensing their proximity. She didn't move an inch as Manik kept reducing the gap between them.
He slowly placed his cheeks on hers and rubbed softly. He did the same on the side and then leaned to her ears.
Manik:i told you i'll do it my way..
He said and stepped back leaving her hands. Nandini opened her eyes and saw Manik smirking in front of her.
Manik:you look so pretty..
Nandini touched her cheeks only to get her fingers filled with the cream. A smile crept on her face but she pretended to be angry.
Nandini:Manik.. My face..
He said and moved towards the tiffin Nandini had kept on the sofa while running. He took another creamy piece of cake and went back to Nandini.
Before she could speak further he stuffed her mouth with the cake just the way she had done.
Manik:happy birthday.. And now its a one for one..
Nandini smiled and gulped down the cake.

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