Somewhat Of A Connoisseur.

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Freddie's P.O.V.


"Yes, my darling?"

"Did you listen to anything that I just said?" Brian, the curly haired guitarist questioned, looking into my eyes, searching for some kind of an answer.

I stuttered, "O-of course! I completely agree."

He glared at me for a prolonged few seconds, "You agree? You agree with with all this global warming rubbish that's going off? You weren't listening to me at all. Were you?" His eyebrows were raised in a 'I-can't-believe-you' fashion.

He was right. I hadn't listened to a single word that he had said. Instead I was too busy looking at him, watching him...reading him.

I was somewhat of a connoisseur when it came to reading body language. It was another one of my traits.

I was forever trying to figure Brian out. To see anything that might conclude that he liked me.

Not just like me...I knew he liked me as a friend, as a fellow band member. But liked liked me.

The way I did him. Bloodyhell, I was absolutely infatuated with him and had been for many years. I'd just been dating anyone I could just to try and forget about Brian. To try and fall in love with somebody else. But it was no good. I just kept staring at him more than I did my date.

The other boys, John and Roger already knew about me fancying him, I confided in them a long time ago. Or rather, I confided in John...who then told Roger. The sneaky bugger. I didn't mind though, I trusted them, and they had not let it slip to Brian who was still blissfully unaware and tried talking to me about Global Warming and shit.

Don't get me wrong, I loved talking to Brian and listening to all his interests but I would much rather sit at the kitchen table with him at 3am, sipping on wine whilst we giggled like little girls about our sex lives and told each other about the scandalous things we wanted to do.


I was awoken from my trance, I hadn't taken any notice of what Brian was saying yet again.

"Hmm?" I reacted, watching his face as his eyebrows were again raised, but with annoyance this time, his top lip slightly curled up with anger and his hands ringing with frustration.
No. He wasn't into me. Yet.

"You are absolutely ridiculous." He said curtly, standing and grabbing his guitar that was propped up on the table we were sat at. He huffed as he walked away.

I stared after him longingly, wanting him to come back, I knew I had upset him because I didn't listen...again. But how could I when all I wanted to do was watch the way his curls bounced and his eyes twinkled and his lips...moved.

"Well, that went well." A mischievous voice sounded from behind me.

I span around, "Oh, shut up, Roger!" I glared at him as he giggled, throwing his drum sticks in the air and catching them again, he came to join me, sitting in the place Brian was before he got up in a huff.

Roger was trying to hold back laughter, "You know, you could always try and listen to what Brian has to say." He said in a mocking tone.

I scoffed, "And would you like to sit and listen to things like global warming?!"

"That's not the point, Fred! You have to listen to him so that he knows you're interested in what he has to say, when he knows that, he'll come and talk to you even more than he does now! Besides, he sits and listens to what nonsense you have to say all the time." He raises his eyebrows and ducks his head so I can see those blue eyes behind the black sunglasses he was wearing.

I sighed, defeated. Roger was right. But I decided to play the humorous one, "What do you mean nonsense, everything I say is quite literally the best thing you have ever heard." I swished my hair and pouted.

Roger shook his head laughing and got up, making his way over to his drums, "You mean telling us who you fucked, where you fucked them and how long you fucked them for? I really love hearing about your orgasms, Freddie." Sarcasm so strong in his voice as he joked.

I got up too, picking up a headset near Roger, "Roger, dear, we all know it's just because you're jealous! How often do you get to fuck somebody? Like, once, twice, a year?" I span around giving him a tongue-in-cheek expression and a throaty laugh, he was about to say something but I carried on before he had the chance, "and we all know you're just dying to get into John's pants." I turned back around, plugging the headset in.

"What was that?"

I span quickly into the direction I was just facing almost toppling over with wires tangling around my feet, I glanced over at Roger who was now looking at me with the most desperate look on his face.

John had just walked in.

"Nothing!" Roger and I said in unison.

John shrugged, "Okay."

I glanced at Roger again who had now turned very pale, I was so very nearly bursting with wanting to laugh.

Roger had told me a few months ago that he liked John...which was a surprise, somebody as flamboyant as I would have never guessed Roger would even consider being with a man.

But I was the only one who knew about Roger's secret.

"Where's Brian?" John asked as he took off his coat.

"Umm, out back I think." I replied.

"You should go look for him, Freddie." Roger perked up, motioning silently at me to go and look for Brian and apologise.

I gave him a quick nod and skipped out back.

"Brian?" I called as I pushed open the door that lead into the car park.

I looked around and saw him leaning against the wall, strumming away at his Red Special. I paused for a moment, looking at those lusciously long legs and the way his fingers danced expertly about those guitar strings, I shook my head lightly to stop the dirty thoughts about what I wanted those fingers to do to me, entering my head.

I walked over, "Brian?"

"Alright mate?" He asked, not looking up from his guitar.

"Umm...Johns here, I think the boys are wanting to get started." I paused before licking my lips, "I'm sorry, Brian, for not listening...again, it's-"

He cut me off, "No, don't worry about it Fred." He looked up at me from his playing, a rather mischievous smile on his face, "I should maybe try talk to you about my sex life instead. I bet you'd be more interested in that, wouldn't you."
He chuckled as he stood up properly.

I was quite taken aback at this remark, well yes, I would love that, but I wasn't going to say that to him, I was glad that I hadn't upset Brian.

"Darling, do you even have a sex life?" I winked at him and grinned.

He scoffed and we started to walk back into the studio, "You bloody well know I do!"

"Well, you never tell me anything or drop any hints that you're active in that area, dear." I elbowed him in the ribs.

"Well what would you like me to do? Walk in every morning and tell you whether or not I got laid the night before?" His cheeks were sucked in. He thought that was a clever remark.

I moved in front of him before we entered, "I have a better idea, I'll ask you myself!"

His face screwed up a little, he knew I wasn't lying!

He shook his head, flabbergasted, "You know sometimes Freddie, you can be a real arse."

I let him walk into the studio as I followed, "Oh but you love it Brian!"

He cast me a glare as he plugged in his guitar, and I laughed loud.

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