Grow Some Balls.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

I paused outside our front door and smiled to myself as I looked at the door to our new shared home, before opening it up and closing it behind me.

A little hallway from the door lead into the living room and joined onto this room was the kitchen at the back. It was quite lovely.

I popped the bags down that I had gotten from the shop and started to unload things, food for us all, tea bags and some treats, a couple of bottles of champagne for later that I was going to hide to surprise the boys with, to toast our new beginnings.

I hid the bottles in one of the empty cupboards.

I filled up the kettle and dug out four mugs, luckily the previous owners had practically left everything. They'd taken their clothes with them and that's about it, everything was left for us which would also save us a shed load of money!

I leaned against the work surface waiting for the kettle to boil when I heard some light feet scuttling down the stairs, soon Deaky entered, he saw me, gave me a grin and came over and leaned on the other side of the surface.

"Alright my Darling?" I asked him, pouring the hot water into the cups.

"Yeah I'm alright, you?" He replied.

"I'm marvellous. You know, I think this is the happiest I've been for a while, Deaks." I admitted honestly.

"Me too...this place is great. I can't wait to actually live with you lot, didn't think I'd ever say that!" He giggled as I slid over his cup of tea having already poured milk in whilst we were chatting.

"Oh you absolute softy, John! But same, living with my boys? What more could I want?" I smirked.

He looked around cautiously before leaning in closer and taking a sip of his hot tea, a naughty, excited look on his face, "How do you think it's going to be with you living with Brian? And me living with Roger?"

I bit back a smile but his question sent tingles down my spine at the prospect of having Brian only a few feet away from me at all times. "Bloody torture." I answered, I lowered my voice to a whisper, "But bloody brilliant. What's happening with you and the blondie anyway?" I asked out of curiosity.

He groaned, "Nothing. I keep trying to flirt and shit but he just fires me down, considering the fact we both know we like each other I was hoping we'd at least be dating by now. But he doesn't seem interested anymore!"

"I think Rogers scared." I grinned sarcastically. "He's got what he wants and now he doesn't know what to do with it. Keep flirting Deaky, he'll break sooner or later. And if he doesn't...ask him on a date yourself." I winked as we both giggled together.

Our heads snapped towards the door as Brian walked in. He was smiling.
"What's that grin for, Bri?" Deaky asked.

He shrugged, coming to join us, "Oh nothing...I'm just happy!"

"Us too." I smiled at him and slid over the cup of tea I had made for him.

"Oh legend." He said as he eagerly took it in his grip and took a mouthful.

"How's Roger getting on?" John asked and I had to fight back a smile again.

Since him telling me about his like for Roger and them finding out they like each other, he's turned into quite the cheeky so and so. I hoped this was a symptom of finally accepting himself and allowing himself to have a good time.

He's always passing off flirty comments to me about Roger or shooting me the odd naughty look when Rogers not looking, obviously appreciating how the drummer was looking that day.

But if he could do it to me, why couldn't he do it to Roger? I know he's scared. Then again so is Roger.

We hadn't really talked about it since, me and Rog, I always asked him how those two were but he also just shrugged or came back with a curt, 'fine'. I'll sort that blonde bitch out and find out what's niggling him.

"He's here look!" Bri cheered as the drummer, speak of the devil, came walking in.

"What's this mothers meeting about?" He chuckled.

I held out his cup of tea for him, he grinned taking it and winking at me in appreciation.

"We're just gushing about how happy we are. Quite sad really." Bri giggled, making the rest of us do the same.

"No. I don't think it's sad at all really. I'm actually excited for the future now. Instead of dreading it." The drummer shrugged.

We all agreed in unison.

"What's everyone doing now?" Deaky asked.

"I might try and get the telly to work, looks rather old, I tried it when we came to look around and it was pretty dead." Bri answered, eyeing up the TV in question.

"Ohh I'll help, Bri." Deaky offered and the two of them put their empty mugs into the bowl.

"What are you up to Fred?" Roger asked.

"I might have a potter about upstairs, see if I can do anything to make my room a bit nicer!"

"I might do the same actually." He agreed.

We both made our way up the stairs again, leaving the technology geeks downstairs trying to fix the television.

I headed straight to my room at the very end of the corridor. I was appreciative of the provided wardrobe but I had almost filled it with my clothes...I needed to get rid of some.

Roger was about the same size as me and I always gave him some stuff if I didn't want it anymore, deciding to go to his room and ask him I knocked on his door before entering.

"Well, at least somebody knocks." He muttered.

"Who didn't knock?" I asked.

He glanced at me, "John."

I grabbed his shoulder and span him round to face me, I whisper shouted at him, "What is wrong with you? Why are you so bitter about John now? It's not fair on him. He hasn't done anything." I stuck up for the bassist.

He snarled and shook me off, "Exactly. He hasn't done anything."

I put a hand to my forehead in stress and sighed loudly. "You two need to fucking talk to each other. Grow some balls. You both want each other to initiate things. Why can't you just come to a mutual decision or be a man. Just ask him on a date." I growled, frankly, I was getting tired of this drama. Of course I wanted them to be together but they had to stop relying on me to be their messenger.

If we were going to live together I certainly didn't want this problem they had going on to spoil things for everyone else.

He stared at me in disbelief and walked closer to me. "Don't be a fucking hypocrite, Fred. You haven't asked Brian either."

I looked at him through slanted eyes as if to say are you stupid.

"Roger. Brian may not even like men. I'm working on him slowly. You know John likes you back. Therefore, what the fuck is your excuse?" I stared him out one last time before turning around and leaving. Not bothering to ask him if he wanted any of my clothes. He was being pathetic.

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