Im Not Addicted.

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Still Freddie's P.O.V.

I walked in through the door of Level and even over the extremely loud music, the wild amount of people in there and the long distance between us...I heard Roger celebrating.

"AAAYYY! Here he is!"

I stood looking around for a few moments, it was dim in the club and I was having difficulty finding them through the sea of other people.

"Fred! Freddie! Over here!" I heard John shout this time.

I scowled as I span multiple times still not able to see them.

"Where the fuck are you?" I growled to myself.

Eventually, I saw the two of them standing at the other side of the room, frantically waving their arms at me, laughing.

I grinned and made my way over.

"That was like finding a bloody needle in a hay stack! How are you my darlings?" I asked as I approached, sitting down on one of the red leather seats they had managed to snag.

Roger put his hand on my shoulder, "I'm good!" He grinned, I looked into his blue eyes and saw the drunken glaze...dear Roger was somewhat of a lightweight.

I chuckled and I put a finger under his chin so that I could study his eyes, I raised an eyebrow as I did so, making him giggle like a little girl, "Did you start early, Roger?" I winked as he broke free.

He didn't say anything but rather, looked at me mischievously with a playful grin plastered across his face, raising and lowering his eyebrows in lightening speed as if to say 'of course I did'.

I turned to John, leaning over so I could whisper in his ear, "How much has he had?"

He sniggered, leaning to me and whispering back, "Only a couple of beers since I turned up!"

"Not alcohol, Deaky! Drugs! Have you seen the size of his fucking pupils?!" I hissed back.

"Oh! I don't know, he was like this when I came." He admitted, whispering back.

We both glanced at him, his head tilted back on the chair as he was smiling and giggling up at the ceiling, looking genuinely spaced out.

"Roger, dear?" I called.

He lifted his head to look at me with wide, drugged eyes.

I got up and kneeled by his seat, "Let's go get a drink, hmm?" I offered him my hand and he took it eagerly, the gayness, dare I say, really came out in him when he was high or drunk, something that I had come to realise after he told me about John.

"What are you drinking, John? It's on me!" I shouted above the loud music.

"I'll have a Stella!" He called back.

"Okay! Keep our seats!"

He gave me the thumbs up as I dragged Roger away to the bar.

"What do you want?" I asked the blondie.

He smirked at me and nodded his head back towards John ever so discreetly.

I cracked out into a shocked smile and slapped his shoulder playfully.
"Roger! That's very cute but what do you want to drink? And don't say his cum." I frolicked.

He tipped his head back and cackled, "That was a good one Fred."

"Seriously! What do you want?" I laughed, we were getting closer to order.

"Umm, triple Jack Daniels."

I looked at him wide eyed, "Triple?!"

"Yes..." he said innocently.

"Hi darling, I'll have a Stella, a triple Jack Daniels and a large glass of your best champagne, please." I ordered.

I turned to Rog, leaning my elbows on the bar as we waited for our drinks, "Roger, I need to talk to you."

"What about?"

We were interrupted by our drinks being placed in front of us, I payed the bartender and grabbed mine and Johns, giving Rogers drink to him.

I followed Roger but grabbed his arm as he was about to go back to John, I pulled him out back through a dark corridor.

"What are you doing?! Johns on his own!"

I ignored his remark, grabbing him and pulling him close to me, "What have you taken?" I hissed at him.

His eyes grew wide and he looked down in a panic, "N-nothing!"

"Bullshit. Your pupils are huge. What have you taken?" I pushed.

He rubbed his eyes as if he was trying to shrink his dilated pupils.

"Umm...just, just a bit of coke...a tiny bit, I swear! I'm not addicted, Fred, I promise!" He babbled.

I looked at him a little disheartened, "Do you have any more?"

He sighed, appearing sad as if he'd actually upset me, and nodded his head.

I held out my hand to him and he looked at it and then back up at me.

"What?'re not taking it off me, Freddie, I'm sensible with it. I can handle it."

I tipped my head back and laughed loudly, "Roger, I'm not taking it off you!" I leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I fucking want some too."

His eyes widened once again, this time a little taken aback.

"You told me to forget Brian dear. This will make me forget." I smirked at him and held my hand out again.

He chuckled and licked his lips, "Under one condition."

"Go on..."

"You help me progress with John."


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