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Freddie's P.O.V.

We were no longer in Scotland anymore having stayed there the rest of the week, we were now home in London.

The remaining week in Scotland and been pleasant but rather interesting.

Roger and John had been acting like the couple they used to be, cute and adorable and forever giggling at each other, they finally appeared to be happy again. But I knew Deaky had yet to tell Roger about his parents. I was really hoping that he would do so before taking Roger to visit them, just to warn him. But as of right now he seemed determined and content with his idea of just taking him along without telling him anything.
Which I still didn't agree with. But if that's what he wanted to do, then I couldn't stop him.

And Brian...well, he'd been wonderful. And it was eery. It slightly made me uncomfortable as I was so used to us arguing and being horrible to each other. He was being so nice and wanted to help with everything which was slightly irritating but I had to keep reminding myself that this is what I had been wanting all along, to spend more time with him and get closer. It almost felt like he wanted to spend more time with me too. If ever I was going somewhere he wanted to come along, a couple of nights he came over to my room with drinks and we sat up talking until the early hours.

I wondered if things would change once we got home.

And they hadn't. We had not argued or bickered once...since I told him we'd had sex.

It's like he feels like we were connected in some way now, that he had to be nice to me and I had to be nice to him. That we had to spend more time with each other.

And it was beautiful but it was fucking killing me.

It's not that I don't want to spend more time with him and do more things with him because I do! I always have done and I love it. I fucking love it. But he's doing it for all the wrong reasons. And it was all my fault.

I guess it's natural, that once you've had sex with someone you instantly feel closer to them. Sometimes become a little obsessive with the person and want them all to yourself just because you've had them for that one night.
I know what it felt like because I've felt the same way about people I've had sex with before. I've called them multiple times a day and thought about them constantly. Got paranoid thinking about if they were seeing anyone else. Felt sick at the thought of them sleeping with another person. Even though I had only known them for that one night.

Now I'm not saying that's how Bri feels because I probably couldn't be further from the truth.

But maybe...just maybe...and I hate to sound big headed but it may have created a soft spot in his heart for me? It might have changed his mind.

I've been thinking about that night he told me he liked me a lot lately. How I point blank refused to believe him at that moment because up until then, he'd said some nasty things to me which lead me to believe that he certainly did not like me. But after he said that, whether he was drunk and didn't mean it or not. He has been acting if he does actually fancy me.

I try not to think about. I don't want to get my hopes up just to be dropped from a dangerous height again. I'm probably wrong. But it's nice to actually be able to think that way rather than have to avoid him at all costs because I knew he would be angry at me for something.

I wanted to ask him. Often thought about getting him drunk again like I did all that time ago and interrogate him to see if he'll tell me the truth.
But on the other hand, I'd also rather not know if he didn't.

Since being back home my main priority had been searching the shops in town for a replacement speaker that I could buy for Brian. Something of an upgrade to the one he had before I trashed it, but also something that would not leave me skint.

Although I was finding his clinginess a little tiring, I also didn't want it to end and I really wanted to make him happy.

After being a shit person to him.

After days of searching I had finally found the speaker that I wanted to buy Brian. I'd been saving up especially to buy him one. He better like it.

As it was fucking huge I had to arrange a truck to take it to the studio for me and I would surprise him with it there.
It was actually a bloody miracle I had managed to get into town without him coming with me.

It was a Saturday, we didn't usually go to the studio at the weekend if we could help it but I wanted to surprise him without the other two being there, so today would probably be my best bet.

I knocked in his bedroom door, "Come in!" He called.

I walked in, smiling.

"Oh, hey! I'm just...umm, working on something, what's up?" He asked.

He was adorable, sitting crossed legged on his bed with his guitar in his lap.

"Can I ask you a really big favour, darling?" I pulled a cheesy grin.

He chuckled, "Go on..." He said, sarcastically.

"I've left some really important sheets at the studio and I really need them so I can finish some shit for Monday...can you drive me there?" I fake begged.

He cocked an eyebrow at me, smiling a little, "You can't drive yourself there?"

"Oh please, Bri! You know how shit I am at driving!" I laughed. I really was a terrible driver to the point I just didn't bother anymore.

"That's true, you'll probably run over all the pedestrians on the streets." He cackled.

"You nasty bugger." I crossed my arms over my chest and playfully glared at him.

"Oh...but it's Saturday!" He pouted, throwing a mini strop.

"Come on! I'm going to be five minutes, in and out that's all!"

"Can't you walk?" He tried hard not to laugh.

"It's fucking Baltic out there, Brian. I'll die. Come on. I'll get your keys and wait in your car." I smirked and span on my heel, leaving his room, I heard him groan but I knew he would come.

I grabbed his car keys and slipped on some shoes, making sure to stuff the paper work for the giant speaker inside my jacket, just in case he didn't like it and I had to return it.

"Roger?!" I called up the stairs.

I heard some quick footsteps and soon the drummer came to the top of the stairs.

"Me and Bri are going to the studio." I gave him a sneaky wink, he and Deaky were in on it all and knew what I was really doing. "Need anything picking up?"

He winked back at me with a giggle, "No I don't think so...oh wait! Can you get some ice cream?" He grinned childishly.

"Ice cream?!" I laughed.

"Yes! Chocolate ice cream...I'm craving it!"

I shook my head at the ridiculous blondie, "Alright you hormonal woman, you. What about John?"

"Deaks do you want anything bringing from the shop?!" Roger called to him.

I heard his muffled voice but couldn't make out what he said before Roger translated it.

"He wants some salt and vinegar crisps."

I melted into laughter at the random wants of the other two."
Crisps and ice cream it is."

I turned towards the door and made my way out to Brian's car and sat inside it, waiting for him.

I was nervous. And I never get nervous. I hoped he liked it. I hope it was the right one. Oh fuck what if he wants to return it? What if he hates it?

I was beginning to wonder whether he was even going to come out here at all...until I heard the door open and close and watched him make his way towards the car.

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