Sworn To Secrecy.

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Roger's P.O.V.

I started to run over to Freddie who looked petrified and had already started to back away from us to try and escape.

I was pulled back sharply by Brian who hissed at me, "Don't tell him."

I looked at him in shock before giving in, "Alright, I won't. I just want to see if he's alright." I pulled my arm away from him and rushed over to Freddie.

"Are you alright?!" I stopped him from walking away and lead him around a quieter corner.

He shrugged lifelessly, "Yeah..." he avoided eye contact.

"Liar. What did Brian say?" I already knew what Brian had said.

He laughed in disbelief shaking his head, "Just that he likes me. And he expected me to believe that bullshit after everything. Fucking liar." He ran his hands through his hair and I realised his hands were shaking.

"Let's go sit down." I took his hand and we walked around trying to find a place that wasn't heaving with people and deafening with music. Which was impossible...so we wound up sitting outside after getting a few more drinks.

I felt incredibly guilty. Because John and I already knew.

We knew about Brian fancying Freddie and we had done for weeks now.

But we had been sworn to secrecy.

We'd known about Brian wanting to break up with Charlie although we didn't know he'd actually done it until Freddie told us.

We knew a lot of things Freddie didn't know and we had been feeling so wrong not telling Freddie.

We knew how Rory had been originally trying to find Brian because back when Fred and Rory were dating...so were Brian and Rory. Of course, we didn't know at the time, Brian confessed to us after Rory came back on the scene last week. Rory wanted Brian back but found Fred before he had the chance to find Bri and tried to hit things off with Fred again so he wouldn't suspect anything.

We knew when things didn't work out with Rory and Fred...Rory called Brian...Brian had gone over...and they had fucked. That's when Brian and Fred bumped into each other in town.
But Brian didn't want to carry anything on with Rory, he said it was 'nothing but a one night stand. A release from Charlie.'

How did we know this?


Back when Freddie had been helping me and Deaky become a couple we had promised him multiple times to help him out with Brian.

And we had been. He just didn't know about it.

With Freddie staying late at the studio and then buggering off to The Mill most nights it gave us plenty of time to work on Brian.

We did it subtly at first, Deaky had started things off, "Brian, why are you so horrible to Freddie?"

Which gained nothing from the guitarist other than a shrug. So Deaky had carried on, "You know people tend to be horrible to the people that they like. If I didn't know any better I'd think you actually have a thing for Freddie." He smiled.

"Don't be silly." Brian had replied but his cheeks were red.

That's when I had chipped in, "Your cheeks are red. You're embarrassed. You're lying!" I joked.

"I'm not lying!" He'd been shaking his head furiously.

"You're getting flustered. You do like him." Deaky giggled.

Brian was speechless.

"You do like Freddie, don't you!" I'd yelled.

"I-I...no. I-!" He had began to stutter.

"Just tell us the truth. Do you like Fred?" Deaky had pushed him to the brink.

"I...well..." Brian sighed, "Yes..." he'd whispered.

Myself and John had gotten so over excited which lead us to question him about Charlie and find out that Brian had caught him cheating and was trying to break up with him. Which lead us to find out about Rory...which we were fucking fuming about, even all that time ago Brian was stealing Freddie's man. Or was it the other way round?

"Guys. It would never work out between us even if something did happen. We're far too different. I can't control him. I don't trust him. I don't want to try because it will never work." Was Brian's explanation to us as to why he'd never tried it on with Fred and gone for Rory and Charlie instead.

It was true, they were two very different people...but, opposites attract, right?

Brian had told us that he'd wanted to tell Freddie that he fancied him ever since Fred told him that he liked him.

But he was too scared. Thought the singer would jump on him and force him into a relationship straight away.

We'd managed to convince Brian that Fred wasn't like that. He'd obviously been blinded by his misinterpretation of how Fred actually was in a relationship.

He was a romantic. Treat people like royalty. He wasn't hasty, not like he was when he was searching for nothing but a quick fuck, he was different when it came to relationships. He did things properly. He throws himself into them and when he falls in love...he falls hard. He's devoted and exclusive.

Brian had a hard time believing us, after all, he'd only ever seen the wild, partying, sex maniac side of Freddie.

He'd hardly seen the soft and vulnerable side. Only really when Charlie came on the scene.

"I'm horrible to Fred because...because I've been trying to put myself off him. I've convinced myself that if I'm always arguing with him or fighting or looking for his faults that I'll never fall really hard for him and I'll never actually try and hit things off with him to prevent a fucking heartbreak for the both of us."

And when Brian told us that, everything...fucking everything came clear.

We'd warned him though, if he kept playing with Fred and fighting with him and then once day decided he wanted to tell him how he really felt...Freddie would be hesitant.

And we were right. He refused to believe him at all.

Understandable as Brian had been pulling off a dickead move with that Scott guy. Why the hell would Freddie believe him?

Yet here I was, sat opposite the singer, seeing the emptiness in his distant eyes and watching him down drink after drink to try and forget everything...when I knew the truth. And I couldn't say anything.

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