It Happened.

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Brian's P.O.V.

My eyes flickered open groggily as the daylight was hitting my face.

I instantly felt like death. Seriously hungover.

My mouth felt like a carpet and was desperate for a drink, I could guzzle a full reservoir of water.

My head was pounding and my ears were ringing so loudly from the loud music of the clubs last night.

I felt sick but I was also hungry. But every thought of food wanted to make me vomit.

I couldn't remember a single thing from last night. I remember slight things until we got to a club...Round 4, was it? And then after that...the night didn't exist for me. I couldn't recall a single thing.

I couldn't remember getting back to the hotel, nor could I remember getting into bed.

I was just grateful I did wake up in bed in my own hotel room and not on the street somewhere in town.

I groaned quietly and turned around, ready to allow myself to drift off to sleep for another hour or so...but I felt the bed.

I snapped my head towards the thing blocking my way and instantly went into panic mode.

With his back towards me and his hair strewn across the pillow, his peaceful inhale and exhale of his breath and his faint scent of cologne...was Freddie.
Still soundly asleep.

I was frozen, just staring at his jet black hair.

What the hell was he doing? I'd told him I didn't want to share the bed. I thought we'd settled it that he would sleep in the bath or even back on the bus?

Why was he in bed with me?!

It wasn't the biggest bed in the world and we were not the smallest people in the world...things had to have been snug. We had to have touched.

Little bastard. I wanted to shove him out and tell him off. What happened? Did he sneak in when I was still asleep and just thought he'd share the bed with me?

I doubt I would have let him sleep here last night. Even if I was seriously drunk. I wouldn't, I just know it.

I tried to chill myself out. Cool it, Bri. We just slept. We got in drunk and fell asleep before we could do anything else. It was harmless. It's not his fault.
The bath was probably incredibly uncomfortable to sleep in anyway.

My hand just happened to brush over my naked groin as I moved my arm, careful not to touch Fred.

But then. Another stroke of panic. I could hear my heart hammering as I realised.

Naked groin?!

I quickly and subtly lifted the duvet up a little to look down at my body.

I nearly screamed out and had to clamp a hand over my mouth.

I glanced at Freddie and then down at myself again.

What the fuck?!

Naked. I was completely naked. Where were my boxers? Why wasn't I wearing any?! I always wear boxers to bed, even when completely sober, always!

Pure panic mixed with confusion and still a huge excess of spare alcohol still sitting uncomfortably in my stomach made a severe wave of nausea wash through me and I had to quickly get up and rush to the toilet to throw up.

I pushed the door closed and upchucked my guts, the taste of last nights alcohol disgusting me but it didn't bring back any more memories about what happened and when.

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