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Brian's P.O.V.

After remembering to tell Freddie about the show we had been asked to do we rushed home to tell John and Roger, abandoned all work on the album and started to create a set list for the show, we'd rehearsed a couple of times in the studio and and now we were already on our way to Scotland. It was the day before the show, everything had been such a blur. Jim, our manager, got us our tour bus and even offered to drive us there himself.

It was so last minute we didn't have time to get a team together, it was just us and Jim. We hoped to god there were people there to help us set up.

We'd only been driving an hour, each of us sprawled out on our own seats about the bus just occupying ourselves.

"God. I'm so bored." Came a voice from the back. It was Freddie. Obviously.

I chuckled, he was always so restless on journeys. He hated it.

"We've only been driving an hour. We've got like 6 more hours to go." Roger answered him.

"Let's a have a game of scrabble." He clumsily walked to the front of the moving bus and dug out the old game.

Scrabble was literally our only source of entertainment and we had such fiery tournaments. Many arguments were caused by scrabble.

"I'll play." I stood up, moving to the table on the bus and soon all four of us were engaged in a heated game.

"What the fuck, Brian. That's not a word! You're not allowed abbreviations! No, you're not allowed that one." Freddie battled, he was so very competitive.

"It is a bloody word!" I argued.

"It fucking isn't!" He growled.

"I've never heard of it." Roger shrugged.

"Well you're all just uneducated aren't you." I giggled, joking.

"How dare you." Freddie replied dramatically.

"Just make another word, Bri." John giggled.

The game of scrabble took far longer than any of us anticipated and John was the victor...but of course Freddie didn't think that was right.

"No way did you win, Deaky! No. You used too many plurals! You shouldn't even use plurals!" We all just sat back, giggling at Fred's outrage.

We had set off in the early afternoon, we were going to drive so far and then sleep on the bus for the night and drive the last couple of hours the next day.

Night had fallen and we were all a little cranky having been cooped up in this shed on wheels all day.

"Alright guys, we'll call it a day. I'm shattered, I'm going to turn in, night night." Jim smiled after he had joined us for dinner.

"Yeah me too." Roger yawned.

"Me three." John smirked at Roger and they soon disappeared off to bed too.

It was just me and Freddie left up.

"What are you doing?" I asked,
watching him put a big coat on and stuff a torch through his belt loop.

"Going out for a smoke and an explore, coming?" He smirked at me and I jumped at the chance. I needed some fresh air.

We quietly bundled out of the bus and were hit by the cool air of night.

"Come on, Curly." He grinned looking like an excited puppy.

We were in the countryside and nothing was around except for fields, he switched on the torch he brought out and lit the path for us, he lit up a cigarette.

"I'm surprised Charlie didn't join us." He exhaled the smoke.

"He wanted to come. I didn't...really want him to."

"Oh? Why's that?" He grinned.

"Don't seem too happy about it, Fred. I just need a little time to myself." I admitted. Although, the truth was completely different. Things were not going well with me and him at all. I had actually broken up with Charlie two weeks ago...but he refused to believe that I had, telling me I loved him too much to let go of him. That I needed him. And I thought I did, I did love him, I had needed him. Until I caught him in bed with someone else. I knew all along he had been cheating on me but didn't want to admit that he was actually doing it. I didn't want to believe it. It wasn't until I saw it with my own eyes...his mouth around someone else's dick did I break. Admitted to myself that he was doing it to me. That he didn't love me and I had been blinded by love. Also what the fuck, he'd never even given me a blowjob. But he wouldn't leave me alone, kept refusing the fact that I had broken up with him and I didn't want to be with him. Kept turning up at our house or to the studio and pretending that everything was brilliant. And I had to play along with it. I didn't want to cause anymore drama between any of us. And I didn't want the embarrassment of admitting that they were all right and Charlie was cheating on me.

It had been so hard to act normal and happy when I didn't want him near me and I was breaking on the inside.

That night I bumped into Fred coming from Rory's house...I had actually been returning from somebodies house myself. And I had fucked them. And it had felt good. But I still couldn't get rid of Charlie.

"He does seem a little full on." Fred nodded.

"Just a bit." I cringed.

"Well forget about him for this week. A boys holiday. Think of it that way." He winked making me smile.

We had decided to spend the week here after doing the show tomorrow, we had no rush.

"Oh look at this!" Fred suddenly exclaimed.

We had been walking across a field that was uphill and we'd gotten to the top and sure enough, we were met by a spectacular night time view of the distant Scottish capital of Edinburgh.

"Well isn't that something..." I marvelled at the glorious sight in front of us, like orange and white glitter had been spilled over some black paper. It was stunning.

"Care to join?" I heard a playful voice call me and I looked over to see that eccentric singer laying on a huge rock overlooking the horizon, shining the torch up into the never ending sky.

I walked over and laid next to him, looking up at the stars.

"Go on then Mr Astrophysicist...what's that cluster of stars called over there?" He shined the torch in the direction he was talking about.

I smiled, "Umm...that's Vega. It's been said that a Princess fell in love with a mortal but their love was banished so the couple were placed in the sky as be in love forever..."

We fell silent, star gazing, I felt his head turn towards me and I turned my head towards him. We were close.

"You're so fucking clever." He looked at me through slanted eyes and a smile on his face.

"So are you." I giggled.

"I couldn't tell you about the stars." He looked back up at the sky. "I've missed spending time with you, Bri." He whispered.

I felt my heart thud, "Same..." I whispered.
"Fred...I have something to tell you but...please don't tell the others." I suddenly said, still my eyes were fixated on the starry sky, he was my best friend, and...I needed to tell somebody about me and Charlie...

"Of course, Darling." He answered, sounding sleepy.

I swallowed hard, "I broke up with Charlie..."

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