I'm In Love With My Car.

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Still Freddie's P.O.V.

Roger returned to John after giving me some and taking some more with me.

Drugs are dangerous, I know. But the way me and Rog see it is if we know what we're doing and we don't go overboard, it's just a bit of fun.
Which is stupid.

I had already finished my glass of champagne so went to the bar to get another one before heading back to the boys.

I sat on the seat opposite them, a table between us.

John was having a conversation with Roger but all the blonde boy was doing was staring at him dreamily...god, I hope that's not how I look when Brian talks to me!

I watched them, trying to hatch some kind of a plan to help Roger and our deal, I gulped down the champagne whilst waiting for the drugs to kick in.

Roger was already on cloud nine considering he's had double the alcohol and double the drugs of what I'd had.

John isn't into the whole 'drugs to have a good time' thing and would much rather just get drunk, which he does, and he's a laugh so I let that slide.

Brian on the other hand is too much of a goody goody, it's all work work work for him and no play play play. He's like our bloody Mother sometimes, 'no drugs, no alcohol, no fun...no sex. It's dangerous. You shouldn't be doing those kind of things.'

I'll show him a good time one day and he won't turn back. I guarantee.

"What are you two talking about?" I leaned forward on the table.

"Cars." John said, knowing I'd roll my eyes at him, I knew nothing about cars, but these two loved them.

"I should've known..." I groaned, I was beginning to feel the lightheadedness of the drugs, it was like the effect of alcohol but like drinking 10 bottles of champagne in the space of five minutes. And it lasted longer. It was marvellous.

"I'm in love with my car..." Roger sighed, resting his chin in the palm of his hand and taking a mouthful of his Jack Daniels.

Myself and John both cracked up at him.

"What else are you in love with, Roger?" I hinted, giving him a smirk.

His eyes grew wide as he caught on to what I was saying but he was so high and drunk he went along with it.

"Somebody..." he giggled.

"I didn't know you were in a relationship..." John said suspiciously.

There. That was the sign the John cared. Did I detect a little Deaky jealousy there?

"Oh, I'm not! I am in my head though..." Roger blurted, slapping John on his shoulder before putting his arm around Johns back.

Although John looked a little uncomfortable with this motive of Rogers he seemed to brush it off and ignore it.

"Who are you in a mental relationship with then?" Deaky asked, poking Roger in the side.

Roger squealed and got closer to Johns face, tapping him on the nose, "Well, it's..."

"Roger." I interrupted. He looked at me and I discreetly shook my head at him quickly, he was definitely going to let himself slip then and tell John that it was him, I had to stop it. Roger would have regretted it.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Be a darling and get me another drink? Anything, surprise me."

He frowned, "I swear you think I'm your slave sometimes."

"Of course I do, now hurry up before I make you be my sex slave." I joked, giving him a cheeky slap on the arse as he walked away chuntering to himself.
I massaged my temples with my fingers as the coke had well and truly kicked in, but not so much as to where I had lost all control.

John was watching me, "You on the same shit as him?" He asked.

I side smiled, "Just a smidgen."

He shook his head, "You two are ridiculous."

"How's your sex life, John?" I asked, rather out of the blue, a side effect drugs had on me, confidence. Even moe of it than I already had.

He scoffed, "What sex life?"

I gasped, "Oh Deaky, how are you coping?!"

"I don't have time for girls."


He furrowed his eyebrows at my forward remark, he was about to say something but then looked down, stirring his drink, he shrugged.

There. Again, another clue. He didn't entirely rule out the option of a boy at all, just avoided it.

"Figured out how to get Brian?" he asked.

I looked scornful, in the state I was in I could rant and swear about him till the morning, he was so stuck in my mind that I could do nothing to stop thinking about him.

"Him? I've got a larger chance of dating the bloody Queen than him. He's blind. He doesn't give me the time of day. I'm stuck, I don't know what to do." Even talking about him was making me angry.

"Tell him?"

"Tell him?! And scare him off? I don't think so."

"Drop a subtle hint then, just to get him thinking."

"Like what?"

"Oh, I don't know, design a conversation so that you make him ask you if you've got someone on your mind and go from there."

"Oh, I don't know Deaky. I have a feeling he left the studio earlier to go on a date, you know he doesn't tell us anything."

"You don't know that for definite Fred! Don't let that get to you, you just really need to take a step forward. Make an advancement. Something so little as read a newspaper in the morning so you can actually have a conversation about what he's interested in. Brian always reads a paper in the morning."

"That's not a bad idea..." I admitted.

"Alright Lovelies! I've got us some fucking shots." Roger returned, appearing even more high and even more drunk than he did five minutes ago. He clumsily put a tray down on the table that was loaded with different shots.

"Sit down you drunk bastard." Laughed John as Roger struggled to align himself with a chair to sit down.

"Fuck me, Roger, have you bought shots for the whole club here?!" There must have been 10 shots each on the tray, all of different liquors.

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