Blood Out Of A Stone.

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Roger's P.O.V.

I was awoken from my thoughts by the sound of Freddie's fist coming down on the table we were sat at with so much force our drinks nearly spilled.

"Hey, woah." I put my hand on the one that he had just punched the table with, his other hand was hiding his face. His hands were still shaking, I was concerned.

"You need to calm down." I said, soothingly.

He looked up at me and grasped one of his drinks, clumsily drinking it. He was much further along than just pissed.

He cleared his throat, "Calm down? How do you expect me to calm down? The fucking love of my life just told me he likes me and instead of me jumping for joy I'm witnessing heartbreak again..." his voice was strained and he lifted his drink to his lips again.

I, myself, was very much drunk too but not so much so that I couldn't listen to Fred and offer advice.

"Why heartbreak?"

He leaned forward across the table towards me, his eyes were wild but also sad, "Because he doesn't mean it, Roggie. He's playing me like a cruel game. I should have never told him that I fancy him." He slumped back down into his seat.

"You would have told him sooner or later. Why don't you believe him?" Stupid question, Roger.

"Maybe because he lied to my fucking face when I confessed to him, told me he wasn't even gay, lied about his sexuality when who the fuck am I to judge him about it?! He let me almost fuck his boyfriend. And then blamed it on me. He's never ever given me any indications that he does like me because he's horrible to me all the time." He was staring into space whilst he said all of this, you could tell by his tone of voice, the pain in his eyes and the agony on his face that this had hurt him.

But one thing he just said stood out, "Almost...fucked his boyfriend?" I questioned.

He shrugged, "I never fucked Charlie, Roger. I just wanted to say that I had to hurt him. So he knew what it felt like. I told you two I'd done it too to make it look more believable...he knows the truth now though, I-I didn't ever touch Charlie." He said, sounding distraught.

I gasped, my jaw hung open, but that actually made me proud of him! "That was a fucking good move!" I praised.

But I wanted to scream it from the rooftops, Brian does like you, it's the truth!

But if all this shit had happened to me...I probably wouldn't believe any of it either. Which made it even harder to try and convince him.

"He could be telling the truth." I hinted, watching him guzzle down some vodka as if it was water, we'd bought a bottle thinking it would last longer. Not with him it wouldn't.

"Don't be a fucking idiot! You know as well as I do he's talking out of his anus." He slurred, leaning back too far and almost toppling over.

I quickly reached across the table and grabbed his hand, pulling him back up and saving him from falling.

If I wasn't with John, I'd be all over Freddie. I'd be lying if I said I have never fantasised about him.

I knew Brian was telling the truth and anybody could tell that the guitarist desperately wanted to be with the singer. But he was scared of their compatibility. I admit, it would be an odd pairing but looking over that, they'd work perfectly in my opinion.

We just needed Brian to tone down his habit of being a bitch to Fred to put him off him and we needed to figure out a way to make Freddie believe him.

And those things were going to be like getting blood out of a stone.

"But, what if he does like you, what if he's liked you all along...and...and he's been too scared to admit it?" I was pushing my luck here.

"What. And the reason he's got attitude with me all the time is because he's trying to put himself off me. Tell me another joke, Rog."

My ears rang at his last comment, he'd hit the nail on the head, he was right.
But whatever we said to him, he would never believe us. Not in a drunken state and probably not in a sober state either.

Right now, I couldn't persuade him to believe. I wanted to tell him everything and I would, I will. When he's not pissed. I'm not scared of Brian. If he won't tell him himself then I will. Perhaps I might leave out the part with Brian and Rory. But everything else I will tell.

I'm not saying he'll believe me, but I'm just hoping that he'd think about it.

In the meantime though...

I snatched the bottle of vodka out of his grip and took a few gulps of it myself before handing it back to him, "Play him at his own game. Pretend you believe him. Be all over him. See how he reacts then."

This could work to an advantage, could trigger a reaction from Brian and could soften Freddie a little and break down some of his barrier.

He looked at me through slanted eyes, "You think I should?" He was smirking, I was relieved to see him smile a little.

"I know you should." I pushed.

"Alright. I'll give it a go." He nodded, thoughtfully.

He dipped into his pocket and pulled out the pouch of cocaine I had given to him back at the hotel, he took a little.

"Hey, I think you've had enough of that. You've got the shakes." I nodded towards his still shaking hands.

"I'm fine. I promise."

"You better be. Let's go find those two." We left our little quiet bench, Fred still hanging on to his vodka bottle as if it was a lifeline.

I was really hoping that Deaky had been having a stern chat to Brian whilst we had been gone. I'll ask him about it later but right now my main priority was to at least get Fred and Bri dancing together.

We looked in the room we had all seen Freddie in to try and find them but they were no where to be seen. We searched high and low until we came to a part of the club we had not yet been to.

Another main club at the other end, even more erotic and wild than the other side.

I felt a tap on my side, I looked and Fred was pointing to the bar, I saw Deaky sat by himself and we rushed over.

"Hey! Are you okay? Did you talk to him?!" I yelled above the music in his ear.

"I'm fine! I'll tell you back at the hotel." He yelled back, but then he turned me around to look into the dancing crowds.

My heart sank but my blood boiled. He needed to grow some fucking balls and stop playing these weak games.

It was Brian. And who was he dancing with? Who was grinding on him?


Fucking Charlie.

He'd stalked us all the way from London to Scotland?! He'd followed us?! And he'd latched onto Brian.
God, he was so desperate.

And Brian was letting this happen?!
Even though he apparently didn't want to be with Charlie anymore. He seemed quite happy having Charlie's arse grind on his dick in the middle of the dance floor right now.

If he really wanted us to help him get rid of Charlie for good he wasn't making it look like he actually meant those words.

I glanced at Freddie. His jaw was right, his eyes cold. He was mad.
Fuming. Just like I was.

He looked at me, to my surprise a slick and gooey grin spread across his face and his eyes turned evil.

"It's time I level up on points, don't you think?" He said cockily, before he made his way over to them.

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