So Many Innuendos.

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Freddie's P.O.V.

My heart skipped a beat and I found myself now wanting to look at him.

If I did, it would result in only two options. One, I would look up at him and let him kiss me, because I so desperately wanted to feel his lips on mine be kissed like he meant it. Or two, I would look up at him and tell him no.

Both options I didn't really want to happen. Of course I was craving his kiss but I haven't been starving myself of sexual encounters for more than half a year for him to ask for a kiss and me to give in within a blink of an eye.

If I have had to wait all this time just for him to look in my direction, he can wait a week or so to kiss me again. How ever much it tortures me, I wanted him to suffer as well.

I looked up at him, his eyes smouldering and his teeth biting on his bottom lip, if I hadn't have grown stronger and dare I say, a little more mature, I would have thrown him into one of the cubicles and I would be fucking his lights out by now. But being the new Freddie that liked to think he was very patient with these kinds of things now, that this sort of body language didn't phase him anymore, I simply returned his lip bite, mirroring him, fighting all want to take advantage of him.

"Brian, darling. I don't think you've quite gotten the message..." I played.

"What message?" He breathed out, slowly.

"That I haven't gone stone cold sober just to give it all up for one little kiss. I changed for you. I'm not going to break it just because you want me to. I said I wanted to do it properly. And I still do." I cracked into a grin, the look of defeat in his eyes as I laid a hand on his chest as I giggled. "And may I add, by doing things properly, you do know there's no kissing on the first date, right?" I winked, cackling as I pushed past him and back into the studio.

"What?! Really?" He asked, sounding frustrated.

As much as I wanted him to have me pinned to the wall outside our house making out with me so fucking much, in my eyes, things had to be done by the book.

Fuck-Fest-Mercury would have done the whole shenanigans on the first date, kiss, tongues, foreplay, fuck multiple times and then...then there's nothing left to do...I wanted to be traditional. Even if that did mean things went painfully slow.

"Really, Brian. I suppose I might allow hand holding." I winked and smiled cheekily.

I watched his face change and a cheeky little smile appeared on his lips, which was bloody adorable.

"You're getting your own back on me, aren't you." He smiled devilishly.

"What ever for?" I replied, sarcastically.

He swanned over and sat beside me at the piano, our bodies touching, he put an elbow on the keys making me jump with the loud notes that came from the instrument but he put his head in his hand and stared at me, "Oh...I don't know...for never telling you that I was gay, for ignoring the fact that you told me you liked me months ago...for getting with Charlie behind your back, and then further ignoring you when we broke up...that must have been frustrating for you." He put his tongue in his cheek and dared to smile.

That little bastard.

"Well I might just be getting you back for all of that yes, as well as letting me almost fuck Charlie whilst you were seeing him, for lying point blank in my face denying you ever told me you liked me, for being a first class knobhead in general. Besides, I wasn't the one who threw a hissy fit when they found out that I didn't fuck you. Anyone would think that you wanted me to." I snickered, proud of that remark.

He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again, "Yeah...well." He muttered, his cheeks reddening.

I grinned widely, crafty fucker didn't even deny it.

I pressed a couple of random keys on the piano, "I am bloody starving." I exclaimed, feeling my stomach rumble, well, I had been here all night without having any dinner at home first.

"There's a packet of biscuits over there..." Brian nodded over to the tea station.

I shot him a death glare, "Biscuits? I've been slaving away all night creating our next hit and you want to reward me with a packet of stale fucking biscuits?" I joked.

"They're chocolate hobnobs, that's like the best reward you could ask for..." he put on a hurt facial expression which made me laugh. "Well, what do you want?" He asked.

I pulled a purposeful naughty face.

He saw and shook his head, "To eat." He clarified.

But that made me pull another face, raising my eyebrows, I saw a glimmer of pure frustration in the guitarists eyes and his cheeks flushed pink in slight embarrassment.

It wouldn't be long until I could wrap him around my little finger, I'm sure of it.

"I don't know, let's drive around and look for a place to get breakfast, we've still a couple of hours until the lovebirds turn up." I suggested.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." He got up, handing me my crutches and we left the studio, locking up behind us and piled into Brians car.

The sun was beginning to rise behind us, although it was quite light out already it turned the sky a warm haze of orange.

"I might be able to get rid of these fucking things today, then." I kicked a crutch.

"Maybe, depends how far you get, I hope so though, means you'll no longer poke my arse with them." He giggled.

"I'll request to keep them just for that purpose, dear." I smiled.

Soon we had found a small sandwich shop that was for some daft reason, open at this ungodly hour, I decided to stay in the car.

"What do you want?" Brian asked.

"I'll have the same as you."

"Okay but...remember I'm vegetarian." He grinned.

"Oh fuck that, I don't want to chew on branch. I'll have a sausage sandwich." I shrugged, again, fighting back a smile at his little smirk as he nodded and walked away into the shop.

So many innuendos, he's far dirtier than I ever expected, whether it was his experiences with Charlie or just because he was allowing himself to relax and flirt with me, but I never expected Brian May to be like this. He was always so square and uptight about these things.

Getting bored quickly I reached forward to have a nosy in his glove compartment, I flicked open the little door and gasped when a box of condoms caught me eye. I grinned craftily and took them, they had been opened.

Mr May must have gotten busy in his car with Charlie at sometime or another...unless he's been fucking somebody else in the meantime...

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